The Mistake

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I woke to an endless pounding behind my eyes. Every beat of my heart sent more more pain screaming through my skull. Slowly I was able to ease my eyes open to take in my surroundings, to my surprise I found myself in a well furnished room. polaroids adorned the walls, graceful smiles and peaceful looks filled the frames.

I flinched when I heard a soft voice from behind the desk, "so how are feeling?" I attempted to clear the pain from my skull by gently massaging my temples. "Where am I?" I asked my voice barely audible.

I could hear rustling as the man rose and approached my bed, he was tall and his steps were graceful. He looked down at me, his eyes were soft but held an undertone of concern. "Im glad to hear that, you took quite a heavy beating out there".

"Beating?" I ask as the events of the night before rushed back into my foggy memory. "Right" I finish as I run my hand down to the crock of my elbow, only to find the needle of an IV piercing my skin. My heart rate increases as I grip it in an attempt to remove the foreign object. My struggle was stopped when the graceful man wrapped his hand around my wrist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, you see that IV contain a cocktail of nutrients and painkillers, and of course that poison you require to function." His voice was calm but his expression hardened when he mentioned the drug. He released my wrist leaving it cold and awkward.

"I'm Jin, by the way" he stated as he checked the IV, and the bandages coating a large portion of my body. I didn't respond, I only stared, his actions were smooth and experienced. His hands were warm as the came in contact with my forehead,

"your temperature seems a little high, but that's to be expected, that drug slowly destroys you" he said bitterly and he sat down in a chair next to the bed. His shoulders were slouched and his graceful face showed signs of exhaustion. Jin looked up as he ran his hands through his soft hair, "why did you do it, why did you poison yourself? Why would you let Jackson control you?"

"I- I..." I stuttered as I attempted to explain my actions, he looked over at me with pity, as a pained scream broke the silence. His expression changed from pity to panic as he rushed towards the noise leaving me alone in the room. The second the door was slammed behind him I sat up and removed the needle from my arm. I had to escape, I had to get back to mark.

After a quick search of the room equipping me with a warm pink jacket and two doses, one of which I used immediately to lessen the pain of my injuries. I leapt from the window landing easily on the few covered grass. The drug pumping through my veins giving me strength and clearing my thoughts. Mark, I need to get back to him.

Memories of Mark rushed back to my mind. I stood just outside the familiar office of Jackson, his voice clear through the thin wood. "What have you done!" He spat anger causing his tone to become darker.

"She asked me, I complied, I always comply" came the now fearful voice of Mark. It was true he always complied, he was the holder of the poison. "I had no idea she was yours" Mark continued sadness filling his voice.

"You should of asked me! You should of used that shitty little brain of yours!" Came Jackson's reply, his voice breaking with emotion. "Jessica was perfect", he whispered as an ear shattering scream filled the room. "Now you will feel her pain, you will experience the poison, you have given to so many!"

Silence, it felt as if the world had stopped, everything had stopped. Until Marks sobs broke the silence, Jackson's heavy breathing came closer as he left the room glaring darkly at me as he passed. I rushed into the room he had come from, Mark lay in a crumpled heap on the floor. His once jovial eyes had darkened, any sign of joy had left them.

"Mark?" I asked while I sat next to him, "are you okay?" He looked up into my eyes as another sob convulsed through his body. "Mark?" I asked again with more force. He grabbed my arm and lifted himself up to a sitting position, and looked deep into my eyes.

"I've watched it destroy people, and when Jackson got me into this mess he promised me, he promised me that I would never have the poison enter my veins," a tear dripped down his cheek and he scratched at the crock of his elbow. "Ironic isn't it, he's the one to poison me" he whispered as his head fell.

We sat there, his body weak as the drug spread through his veins, we were in the same position. We were stuck with the itch, destined to fight for every dose. Destined to slowly be consumed by the poison we inject into ourselves. We were going to break, our minds will shatter and insanity will overwhelm us.

After about a month Mark was able to function on his own, but he refused to give himself the drug. Forcing himself to live through the pain, fight it. He is in denial, he hates Jackson, Jessica and sadly himself. It's been almost 18 hours since I left to get the case, 18 hours since his last dose. The pain has probably already taken over, damnit I had to get there before it destroys him.

I arrive at the broken building and knock twice, the door is opened and I rush to Mark's to room. Broken sobs fill the house, the tension is palpable. I reach the door and try the knob. Locked. I knock gently listening to the pain behind the door.

"Mark, open the door, if you don't you will die! Do you understand?" My knocks became violent as panic consumed me, I had to get in there. The longest anyone had survived without a dose was 24 hours, and by then they were nothing but a brain dead vegetable. I kicked at the door with anger when a hand squeezed my shoulder. I stopped and looked over,

"Jessica, how long has he been in there?" She didn't answer, her eyes were saddened as she listened to Mark's sobs. She shook her head and stared at the door, panic filled her features.

"Is this what will happen to us? Will we lose all we have, all we love" a tear runs down her cheek leaving a trail of dark makeup. "Is this the price of happiness?" I shook my head in response and held her hands.

"No, we are strong, and if it wasn't for the drug I'd be dead." Determination set in as I kicked at the door again, once, twice, and the third time was the charm. The door flung open hitting the wall behind it. Inside there was Mark, he was crumpled on the floor. I rushed to his side, he was pale and his cheeks were wet from tears.

"Mark?" Panic filled my veins as I grabbed his wrist, his heart rate was rapid and weak. "Mark!" I retrieved the syringe from my pocket and pushed the plunger in. The drug entered his blood, and colour returned to his face. "Mark?" He moaned softly as his eyelids fluttered, his once pained expression relaxed.

"Mark?" I whispered as I pulled him closer resting his head on my lap. His breathing was stable and his heart rate stronger, thank god, he's okay.

"Well, it's a good thing that he's not dead eh" Jackson stated softly, he used to look angelic, beautiful, but as Mark's condition worsened he became more and more warn out. His eyes were sunken and his smile forced. He looked down at Mark, guilt distorted his features. This is the closest he's been to his once best friend in almost six months.

"Jackson... I.. He's okay" my words hit him like a sharp slap causing him to flinch. "He's not... He will never be okay" he muttered as he turned his back on his mistake.

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