Never Meant To Be [5] The Deal

Start from the beginning

"Ah so you must be the girl yes?" Her voice asked in a very heavy English accent. Her outfit was that of a maid except in the original black in white it was slightly more form fitting and personally made for her with black and blue fabric that held patterns on the pleading of the skirt.

"Umm...yes?" my voice came out in a slight whisper, not quit understanding why she was full of smiles and happiness while I was chained to a bed. Part of me even wondered if she noticed as I absentmindedly let the metal rattle a bit to see if it catch her attention.

"Oh then you're the one master Wrath saved. I heard you were chased down by those dreadful wolves. How I pity the unlucky soul to be devoured by them." She chirped out happily, making me stare at her when she mentioned devoured. I didn't even bother with try to grab her attention with the chains, seeing she had no intentions of even noticing my imprisoned state.

'I've could have died and yet she still acts happy...there's something wrong within her head.' I thought silently to myself, noting to question her sanity later once I was free form this place.

"Oh the master said to have you cleaned and refreshed for when you see him at dinner. I'm just here to give you lunch and set you up till dinner time. He has some things to speak with you about." She placed the food on a table next to me, while taking some keys from her pocket. "He says you can be unlocked now but under my watch. He doesn't want you running away, which by the way, would be a terrible idea since there are demons that roam theses lands."

Nodding in agreement, she leaned down and steadily unlocked me from the chains. I glanced at her for a moment, thinking how easy it would be to knock her out and run from this place but then again if I did I might not know where to go. What rotten luck would it be to finally have an escape plan when you don't even know the layout of building you have yet to explore?

'I'll just get enough information to know what the closest city from here is. Then that's when I'll make my move.'

"What is your name?" The question caught me off guard for a moment, confusing me as I gazed upward to see the blond studiously watched me.

"..It's Cecilia." I replied awkwardly, avoiding from saying my last name. I didn't know this girl very well and even though I'm sure she had the best intentions, I would remain on guard just in case.

"Well Cecilia, I'm Alyssa Tyme. Do you have a last name at all?" she quickly implied, studying me in curiosity as I inwardly sigh.

"It's Spencer." I stated flatly, hoping she buy the fake last name as I absently looked around the room.

"That's it your fathers perhaps?" She inquired with her baby blue eyes still locked on my odd colored golden green ones. I was surprised she had yet to comment on them, seeing that most would be curious of how there was two colors inside my irises.

"Yes. He was a poor man indeed. He couldn't afford to let me have mothers for the she had died and felt necessary to let her name rest in peace." I lied through my lips, letting them pour out like fine wicked wine as this Alyssa bought my fake words. I even caught a glimpse of pity shimmer in her blue eyes, something that inwardly made me feel guilty as I tried to shake the feeling away. Sometimes it was better to keep things a secret, especially if your one that just want to get out of this place.

"Oh you poor thing. I'm sorry to bring such a depressing memory up." Her voice was filled with pity as she shook her head sadly.

"Its ok, it's good to know both are resting in peace now." Inwardly chuckling, biting down on a piece of bread while Alice brought over some cloths for me.

Never Meant to be [Rewrite of Caged In demon Arms] Where stories live. Discover now