Wake Up

78 9 6


November 27th, 2014.

1:30 AM

I was lounging on the couch of the RV. Or, more like it, lounging on Jay's lap. Jay's hands were resting on my lap and I was toying boredly with his fingers.

Suddenly the RV screeched to a stop. I would have flew forward if Jay hadn't had his arms around his waist. He managed to keep us both in our place in the couch.

I looked up, seeing everyone's bewildered faces. "The hell was that?" Jay mumbled, holding me closer to him.

Siva came out of the front, looking a bit worried. "Guys, we hit something and now it's stuck under the front tire," the Irish lad explained, "I think someone should go check that out."

"I'll go," Hanna piped up, picking herself up from her position on the floor and stretching out, "I need something to do anyway."

Siva's eyes scanned the room before his eyes landed on Jay and I. "Jay, what don't you go with her?" Siva suggested.

I scooted further into my boyfriend, grasping his hands. "Why don't you go?" I questioned.

Siva rolled his eyes at me, indicating I'd annoyed him. "Listen, just because you have to lose your seat for five minutes doesn't give you the right to question me. Go out there with him if you'd like, but I would like to get back on the move," he snapped at me before escaping to the back bedroom where Nareesha was. Of course he didn't want to go out there because of Nareesha. But it wasn't my fault he got her pregnant, now was it? So what right did he have to snap at me?

Jay pulled us both off of the couch, bringing me back to reality. "Do you want to come out or would you like to stay in here and wait for me?" He asked. I grabbed his hand, interlocking our fingers.

"I'll come with you. I can't be bothered to stay in this dumb RV another minute," I muttered. Jay nodded before pulling us over to Hanna. She handed Jay his sword and me a handgun. Then we were out of the RV, looking around the front tire.

What the RV had hit was, in fact, a zombie. It was stuck under the tire, struggling to get free. When it saw us, it started to bite at the air and struggle further. Jay let go of my hand and walked over to the trapped monster. He lifted his sword, ready to bring it down on the thing, when his weapon was knocked from his hand and he was pushed backwards, landing on his back on the pavement. The monster that had attacked fell on top of him, but Jay fought back, trying to keep the thing's teeth and hands away from him.

"Jay!" I shrieked, ready to rush over to my boyfriend. Hanna pushed me back before I could, pulling out her dagger and stabbing it in the head. It fell limp and Jay immediately threw it off. He then sat up, looking dazed. Black blood from the thing had dripped onto his shirt. I rushed over to him, dropping to my knees and wrapping my arms around him. I buried my face in the crook of his neck as his arm slithered around my waist and his other hand stroked my hair. I could feel him shaking and maybe I was shaking too. "I... I almost lost you," I whispered.

"I'm... I'm okay," he mumbled back, reassuringly, "I'm okay. I'm right here."

"C'mon guys," Hanna said, but her tone was sensitive, "We have to get that thing from under the front tire. Then we can go back in and it'll all me okay..."

Jay pulled us off the ground and I pulled away from him, still staying close to his side. He was still shaking a little. "Yea," he said, in a calm and collective manner, "Yea, let's do that."

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