Holding Up, Holding On

122 10 9


November 26th, 2014.

2:30 AM

"Ariana!" A voice hissed, "C'mon Ari, you gotta get up!"

My eyes fluttered open, expecting to find a light of some sort, but it was still completely dark. I propped myself up onto my elbows and squinted, trying to find the culprit of the voice.

"Who was that?" I whispered loudly.

"It's just me, Ari," came the voice again. But this time, since I wasn't so out of it, I knew who it was.

"Why did you wake me up, Emma? Is it my turn to watch?" I asked groggily, fully sitting up and wiping my eyes.

"No, I think there's something out there though..." Emma whispered, sounding scared, "I really don't like dealing with things like strange noises alone... especially in the dark..."

"Okay, give me a second," I mumbled, rolling off the large air mattress and onto the ground of the tent. I fumbled around, grabbing the first pair of jeans I saw. I changed them with my sweat pants before grabbing my gun as well. I quickly slipped on the only pair of sneakers I owned before turning back to Emma.

"Let's go," I said, squinting to see her in the dark. She grabbed my arm and pulled my out. A small fire was still going and I could now see Emma's face pretty clearly. She looked insanely tired and her hair was pulled up into a messy pony tail. She was wearing a large sweat shirt and jeans.

"It came from over there," she said, gesturing to our right with her gun. There was hints of panic and fear in her eyes, but she'd become pretty good at hiding her emotions.

I squinted my eyes in the direction she had gestured in and strained my ears. Then, I heard it. The rustling of the bushes and a soft sound that I couldn't really decipher. But I couldn't see anything, it was too dark. I grabbed Emma's arm and pulled her closer to me. "Keep your voice low if you need to talk and stay close. Also, let's get out of the light," I muttered so only she could hear, tugging her backwards.

We watched the spot, holding our breaths as the noises got closer. Then, someone popped out of the woods surrounding our camp. They weren't close enough to the fire for us to see the face, but it was obvious from here it was a lone male. And it wasn't an eater either.

"Who goes there," I said, loudly and sternly, pointing the gun in that direction. The man stepped into the light of the fire and put his hands up.

"Marcus!" Emma groaned and we both lowered our guns, "You scared me, us, shitless!"

"Sorry guys..." He apologized, giving a sheepish smile. A light blush spread across his pale cheeks.

"What the hell were you doing?" I snapped, "Do you even have a weapon?"

Marcus reached down to his belt and pulled out his long sword. We both sighed with relief.

"I was out checking the area. I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd put myself to good use," he explained simply with a small shrug. Emma and I shared a look before we both shook our heads.

"Why didn't you tell us? How come I didn't see you?" Emma questioned, cocking her head to the side.

"I left while Max was on duty. I didn't think I would take so long," he replied quickly.

"You should get some sleep, you must be exhausted," I suggested, before turning to Emma, "You too."

They both opened their mouth to protest, but I held up my hands.

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