The Little Town Across the Way

169 10 3


November 26th, 2014.

9:30 AM

The drive to town seemed to exhaust little Billy and he ended up passing out, leaving just Nathan and I to talk.

"Do you think... I mean, do you think they're still out there?" Nath questioned.

"Huh?" I responded, not quite sure of what he meant.

"Our families, the boys, everyone we used to know..." he whispered.

I took one hand off the steering wheel and used it to stroke his soft hair. He snuggled his face further into my shoulder. "They could be. We don't know if this outbreak hit the UK. We also never saw the boys or our friends die. Not most of them, anyway."

"Maybe we'll see them again one day," Nathan whispered hopefully.

"Maybe," I replied, thought I wasn't nearly as hopeful. I was pretty doubtful we'd ever see anyone from the past again. But I wasn't about to crush Nathan's spirits.

"Jay?" Nathan whispered, "I don't understand why you love me."

I was so shocked by the statement that I hit the breaks, causing the car to come to an abrupt stop. He lifted his head from my shoulder and I looked at him as if he were crazy. "Why would you ever say some dumb shit like that!?"

He shrugged, avoiding my eyes. "I-I don't know. I'm kinda annoying and defenseless. I'm not even that good looking. I haven't really done anything worth loving."

I grabbed his arms in a strong but gentle matter, forcing him to face me. "And where the hell did you get those thoughts? Nathan, I love you because you're you. You're still funny, sweet, cute. You haven't lost touch with reality, and you're not annoying. Not in the least. You're also one of the strongest people I know. You can wear a smile and pretend everything's all right, even in the toughest of moments," I explained causing his entire face to heat up.

"You mean it?" He mumbled, looking quite self conscious.

I leaned in and captured his lips into a soft kiss. "I mean it," I mumbled into his lips, crushing his body into mine. He kissed me back, harder, but then pulled back quickly.

"Billy," he breathed, gesturing to the sleeping boy. I bit my lip and then sighed. "But later," he added quickly, "I promise."

"Okay," I whispered, pressing my lips into my forehead and holding them there. I then pulled away and continued the journey to town. Nathan cuddled up to my shoulder again and I wrapped one arm around his shoulders. After a few minutes, Billy began to stir.

"Are we most there?" the boy asked with a loud yawn.

"Actually," I said, slowing the car, "We're here."

Nathan lifted his head from my shoulder and stretched his body while Billy buzzed around excitedly in the back. "Okay Billy," Nathan said tiredly, "You can't be loud while we're out here. You have to be quiet and alert for safety reasons, got it?"

"Got it," he whispered loudly.

"You know how to use a weapon?" Nathan questioned him, now turning to face him. I let Nathan take over because he was twenty million times better with children then I'd ever be.

"Yea!" He exclaimed, quickly dropping his voice back to the loud whisper, "My sister taught me how to use a hand gun and a knife."

Nath looked at me, rubbing his bottom lip between his teeth. "I think we should give him a weapon, for safety."

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