Smile Like There's Nothing Wrong

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November 26th, 2014.

9:30 AM

After breakfast, Max, Marcus, Ariana, and I went down to the lake. Claire and Nina stayed behind to watch camp, which neither were too happy about. I stuck between Marcus and Ari, continuing to rub my cold, sleeved arms. Max stood on the other side of Ari, carrying large bucket. We were going to use it to get more fresh water and it was going to take more than Max, strong as he was, to carry it back.

"I don't think we're going to be able to bathe, but we could get some fresh cold water," I said, breaking our silence, "It's too cold to bathe if the water isn't hot."

"Good point," Max responded, still looking straight away, "We'll save the bathing for later. After winter passes."

We all nodded as Marcus continued to lead the way. Soon enough, the large lake came into view. I gaped, being the first to step out onto the deck. "Wow," I breathed, "This is gorgeous."

If only Alex were here to see.

My heart clenched at the thought of my best friend. I knew he was as good as dead... I just missed him. Same goes for my brothers, my parents, and everyone else.

"Emma... are you okay?" Ari asked.

"Y-Yea, why?" I questioned, turning to look at her.

"You're kind of crying..." she pointed out. I brushed my fingers to my cheeks and they came away wet. I rubbed them away harshly with the sleeve of my sweatshirt.

"I'm fine," I muttered, turning away from the group and going closer to the water. As I peered down, I noticed something strange. Max, Marcus, and Ari came up beside me and peered down as well.

"That... There's an eater tied to the bottom..." Marcus gasped, pointing at the weird figure. I squinted a little and was finally able to see it.

"That's terrible..." Max whispered, "I hope he wasn't, you know... alive when he was thrown in..."

Marcus raised his sword from his belt and gave us a sad smile. "Put it out of its misery, ya know?" He said, giving a shrug. He plunged the sword into the water and through the eater's head. My stomach lurched and suddenly I felt sick.

"That wasn't smart!" Ari shrieked, "The water isn't clean anymore!"

"Look, it should be fine!" Max interjected, "You don't have to yell at him. There are still clean sections of the water, trust me."

Marcus shot Max an appreciative smile. I knew Marcus just wanted to do the best for everyone, even if what he did did the opposite of what he wanted. His intentions are always good.

"Let's just shut up," I muttered, "Max and Ari, why don't you two go grab some water while Marcus and I keep watch?"

Max and Ari both gave a curt nod before going to find a clean spot near the water. Marcus and I plopped down onto the dock. He laid his sword in front of him while I rested my gun in my lap.

"I know there's something on your mind," he said, beating me to talking, "What's up?"

"I think I've figured something out about you," I told him. He cocked his head the side and raised an eyebrow, "Oh, don't give me that look. I've put the pieces together, and do correct me if I'm wrong, but I can see something. It started with your constant fighting with Nina. I mean, we know, no one's really fond of her, but it's like you blame her for something. Then there's the fact that you always side with Max. I kinda took it as 'Oh, he's a guy, maybe he feels the need to side with other guys'. But that doesn't explain how you look at him or how you always blush at the smallest of compliments. Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but... you love him, don't you?"

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