I Can't Take Much More

125 11 4


November 26th, 2014.

2:30 AM

I stared at the window feeling unusually glum. Or maybe it wasn't. These days, I was always sad. I lost almost everyone I cared about.

I've lost my family. I don't know if they're alive or if any other countries across the sea have been infected. And I probably never will, so any hope of ever seeing them again was completely gone.

I lost my band mates. For all I knew, Nathan, Jay, and Max were dead. The only one left was Siva, and though he was one of the reasons I was still standing today, I knew both of us and our relationship would never be the same again.

My girlfriend... the love of my life... gone. Her, I knew for sure she was dead. It was all my fault too. It all happened so quick. The store, laughing, joking. Then, shooting... a fire... biters... and I ran to save my own ass...

A pit grew in my stomach and I banged my head against the side of the RV window, hoping it would somehow stop all the terrible thoughts... maybe even make them untrue...

"Tom, stop! You're going to hurt yourself!" A voice screeched. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head to see Keeleigh and Jess looking at me, concerned. Considering Jess was American and Keeleigh was British, I knew it was Jess who had yelled at me. I frowned, setting my head in my hands.

My fans... our fans, the boys and I... we'd lost them as well. Well, most of them anyway. We were able to save seven, but I now only had three with me. We also had Kev and Paul too, but since this whole thing had started they'd become so strict and stuck up I knew nothing would ever be the same, even if we could somehow escape this hell. And then there was Nareesha. I envied Siva because he still had the love of his life. But that's not all. Nareesha is eight months pregnant with their baby. She can't do much either, so she just kind of lays around in bed, always wanting to help.

"Are you even listening to us, Tom?" Keeleigh snapped, pulling me out of my head once again.

"Sorry..." I muttered, "I'm just out of it..."

"Obviously," they both said in unison. The RV hit something bumpy only a moment later, causing me to fall off the chair I was sat in. Both the girls managed to prop themselves up on the wall.

"What're they doing up there? Letting Courtney drive?" Jess ranted out loud.

"Huh?" We all turned to see Courtney who had just came out of the only bedroom on the vehicle.

"Then it must be Siva," I joked, causing them to all crack a smile. Well, except Courtney, who still looked slightly confused. She was the youngest at thirteen while Jess was sixteen and Keeleigh was nineteen. Nareesha, who was fast asleep on one of the couches, was twenty six just like Jay and I. She was out cold and was completely unaware of everything that was going on at the moment.

Keeleigh walked over to me, holding out her hands to me. "C'mon Tom, it's time to get off the floor."

I gladly accepted the offer, taking her hands and helping her as she heaved me up. We swerved once again, but this time I managed to catch myself.

"Okay, I'm going to go see what the hell they're doing up there," I announced, walking over to the driver's compartment and opening the door. I made sure it was closed behind me before taking a look outside the windshield. "Holy-"

"Tom! Are you seeing this?" Siva asked, still looking star struck. We were on a large highway that was scattered with tons of littered cars and bodies, but for the most part, not the eaters. It was still pretty dark out, but the headlights lit up the night. My stomach churned and I suddenly felt sick.

"I'm seeing it," I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest, "But I'm sure as hell not liking it."

"This world truly has turned into a sick, sick place," Paul mumbled breathlessly, his eyes looking as though they could pop out of his head at any given moment.

"No shit," I said quietly under my breath so that the rest couldn't hear. It's been far too many days and nights, but Jess could. Jess still had a working watch, still made her own calendars. She could no doubt tell you how long it's been.

Siva swerved the large RV around two cars and the vehicle jerked harshly upwards as we hit a few bodies that were scattered on the road. I couldn't stand to look at it anymore. Those bodies had once been dads, moms, children, friends, fans, lovers, people. Once upon a time, they had a life and people who cared about them. Now they were dead, lying with their torn and run over limbs scattered all over the hallway.

The thoughts only made me feel light headed. "I-I have to go to the bathroom," I put in quickly before exiting the front. The three girls stared at me curiously.

"So?" Keeleigh questioned.

I shook my head. "Bathroom," was all I could say before I jogged to the bathroom, flung the door open, kneeled in front of the toilet, and let out everything I had in me. Which wasn't much. I'd been dealing with this for so long, you'd think I'd be used to it by now. Of course, I can handle myself just fine if it comes down to it, but the sights and thoughts... I don't think I'll ever get used to this hell.

I felt a comforting hand on my back and looked up to see Keeleigh, a soft but sad smile sprawled across her lips. "Are you okay, Tom?" She asked softly, "You don't look so good."

"I'm fine," I spat, wiping my mouth. I didn't want to be rude, but I didn't want to be babied either.

"No, you're not fine," she argued, concern lacing her words, "You need rest. C'mon." She held out her hand for me to take, which I did. She then led me to the bedroom and tossed me a pair of sweat pants she must've retrieved from my bag. Before she left, she gave me a quick peck on the cheek and wished me good dreams. But as I slipped into my sweat pants, I knew my dreams were only going to be filled with horror and torture.

So I laid awake, staring blankly at the wall next to my face and waiting for darkness to consume me.



Wow, this chapter is a bit short and crappy, isn't it? BUT ITS DONE AND SIVA AND TOM ARE IN. Yessssss. (:

Haha, hope y'all enjoyed. Happy New Years Eve! Have an amazing day everyone xx


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