Life is More Like a Nightmare

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November 26th, 2014.

2:30 AM

I sat atop the arena, looking down at all of the screaming fans. They had already seen me and were trying to make me come down.

I watched them as the screaming turned from loving to horror filled. They started to change into something I couldn't make out. Soon they were climbing on top of each other, trying to reach the top of the arena. Trying to reach me. Except now they no longer had looks of love and adoration on their face.

As they got closer I could see they weren't people anymore. They were something else entirely. Same body, but lifeless and hungry looking.

This was like a scene out of World War Z, where the zombies were climbing up the wall. Now I could see what was happening. They were biting each other, eating each other. I couldn't believe what I was seeing...they were dying and coming back...just more lifeless this time.

I ran back down the staircase that led me up to the roof, rushing into mine and the boy's dressing room.

"Boys!" I shouted, the door flying open as I came to it. I was pulled into strong arms I looked up at Jay, who was smiling. He kicks the door shut behind me. "Jay, where are he boys!? Everyone outside had turned into a...a...zombie!" I exclaimed, not knowing what else to call the horrid creatures.

"We know that. That's why I'm glad you're alright." Jay said. He gestured over to where the boys sat, along with their girlfriends, Ariana, a few fans, Paul, and Kevin. "We saved as many people as we could."

"How did you know!?" I asked, staring at everyone with slight relief. They were all okay...but for how long?

"We were going to go out and meet some fans, but Kev turned us around before we go make it there. We hardly saw the decaying people..." Max explained, putting his head in his hands. Nina, who had her head in his lap, reached up and stroked his head comfortingly, "He managed to round up a few of the fans that looked okay and brought us all up here."

"What are we going to do?" I asked, sinking into Jay's arms. He held me up steady and rubbed my back comfortingly.

"We're going to try and survive." Tom said, being the first to pipe up. He had his arm wrapped around Kelsey's shoulders and she was weeping quietly into his shoulder. We all looked at each other before giving a nod.

"Does anyone have a plan?" Siva asked, holding Nareesha close in his arms.

"I-I have something that could help," One of the fans piped up. I looked over to the girl who looked to be somewhere around seventeen or eighteen. She was trembling like mad, huddled up near the other six fans. We'd saved one boy and six girls...that was all. "I, um, my friends and I...we camped out for the concert and...well, we came in a fairly large RV. It's right in the back parking lot."

We all gave her praising stairs. We had a way of it was just a matter of getting to it. We all sat in a big circle, devising a plan to get out.

"Okay...that's going to work. But those things, what if they try to hurt us?" Jay put into our little conversation.

"We're going to need weapons..." Tom mumbled. I gave Jay a scared look and he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. Though a comforting gesture, I couldn't seem to grasp that this was reality. Tom got up, leaving Kelsey there shivering. Ariana moved over and wrapped her arm around Kelsey's shoulders to comfort her. Ari was a strong girl, I was proud to call her my best friend.

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