Just Breathe

113 9 8


November 26th, 2014

9:30 AM

I stared at Tom as he slept, stroking his hair softly as he slept. I knew he was broken, weren't we all? But he's on the verge of losing it, and it's breaking my heart. If there was one person who has kept me sane during this whole thing, it would have to be Tom. Now it was my turn to return the favor.

The RV screeched to a halt and I was thrown off the bed and into the wall. I hissed in pain, my shoulder now feeling like hell. Tom rolled off the bed and on top of me, groaning. I groaned as well, feeling now even more pained and awkward.

"Keeleigh?" He mumbled, "What the hell is going on?" I pressed my hands to his bare chest and pushed him off, a deep blush growing on my face.

"Like hell if I know," I muttered, picking myself up and getting out of the room. I saw Jess and Courtney comforting Nareesha. But they were the least of my attention. Siva was out here, staring out the door. He was mouthing something and there was an abrupt banging noise. "Siva! What the hell?"

He turned away from the door, looking at me with wide eyes. "There... there's people out there," he whispered. I ran over to the window, looking out. Sure enough, there were people. But not just people. They had kids too... and a baby. I counted two adults, three kids, and one baby. They were surrounded by four

"Siva! We have to help them!" I yelled urgently, quickly grabbing a gun. Before he could protest, I had darted out the door. I aimed my gun and shot, one of the biters falling dead. The adults of the group seemed to be managing pretty well with two of them. I took another shot anyway, clearing one off their list before shooting the one that was advancing on the kids. The man in the group took down the forth one before I could shoot it. "Over here!" I called to them, waving frantically for them to come over. They hesitated for a moment before jogging over.

I let them into the RV before Seev slammed the door shut.

"You're an idiot!" Courtney screeched, but I ignored her. I looked over to the people I'd just let in, who were frantically breathing.

"Thank you so much," The woman said. She had short brown hair and was clutching onto the man's hand for dear.

"Siva, go tell Kev and Paul to start up the RV again," I told the Irish lad before turning back to the group of people I had saved. "What were you guys doing out there?"

"We were trying to find refuge," the man informed me. I was pretty sure he was Korean. "We had a camp down at the prion, but it was over run by bad people and walkers..."

I looked over the kids, seeing there were two girls and one boy. The girls looked like sisters, except on was shorter and blonde while the other was tall and a brunette. The blonde was a little chubbier too and if I were to guess, I'd say she was the younger one. Then there was the boy, who was smaller and younger than both the girls. He was the one holding the baby. He had blue eyes and curls like Jay's...

I winced at the thought of Jay. From what I knew, Jay was dead. The way he and Nathan and Hanna had gone out to check something out and were attacked by walkers. The way Paul had drove off before we could help, and I still resented him for that. It all pointed to them being dead. We could've helped and now, for all we know, they're dead.

I shook my head, trying to rid myself of them. "Well," I started, "I know this isn't the biggest place, but you're welcome to stay here. I hope you know you're going to have to help out, but for now, just relax."

They nodded and I gestured for them to make themselves comfortable. I then turned back to Courtney, Jess, and Nareesha.

"You can't just invite people in like that!" Courtney shouted.

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