6.) Kieron

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Honour burped long and loud from her soda. I sat unaffected, Jacoby frowned at her, and Brylee laughed as if it were the funniest thing ever. "You nasty as hell." JC continued to frown, but Nunu only shrugged.

"It was just a burp, I don't see the problem." She forked some more shrimp teriyaki into her mouth. We were currently at the food court of Haywood Mall. She and LeeLee got Sarku Japan while JC got Chick-fil-a, and I just went with Charley's Philly Steaks.

"You not gonna win a argument with her over a burp, just let it go." Brylee intervene to save JC from the long debate Honour would bring about, I nodded in agreement to my sister's words. He looked at me and shook his head and I kicked his leg. Nunu put her head down and I knew she was laughing, she sat between the two of us so I knew my leg had to of brushed her's. My sister managed to miss all of this somehow.

Today is the day I finally turn seventeen, and we spent it in the mall. We window shopped, we bought things, and overall just had a great time with one another. I for sure appreciated my sister's gesture alongside the company of my girl and my best friend. I couldn't have asked for more, honestly.

Brylee closed her container, which still held food, and stood up. "I'ma go get me a cheesecake and be back." We all said okay and let her walk away. The second she did, Honour hit Jacoby upside his head making me laugh.

"Fucking ass hole." He laughed. "Actin' like I farted."

Jacoby simply smiled at her before training his eyes on my sister. I sat up in my seat. "If y'all gonna do it, do it..." Me and Honour looked at each other, me having to bite my lip from how fine she looked with the new hairstyle my sister had done for her. He finally said, "Now." Honour didn't hesitate when she leaned right on over to me and pecked my lips a few times.

"Happy birthday baby." She continued kissing me, leaving me to smile at the warm feeling she brought me. Last night Brylee and Honour pulled and all-nighter so we haven't gotten any alone time whatsoever, up until now that is. She stopped kissing me and reached into her purse, pulling out a rectangular box. I opened it and balled my hand in front of my mouth.

Jacoby leaned over to see what it was. "That shit is nice." I removed the Jesus piece from the box and admired it. "How much you spent on that sis?"

Honour smiled smugly. "None of your business."

"No seriously." I continued to look at the expensive looking chain. "JC cover your ears real quick" He adverted his attention elsewhere, and I looked over at Nunu. "I needa know so I know how good to fuck you tomorrow. And just know I'ma eat the- Mm, girl." I watched her blush uncontrollably and that brought on a chuckle. I kissed her cheek and then her lips. "Thank you Delaney."

"You're welcome baby." I placed the chain back into the box and put it into one of my bags.

"Just in time 'cause here come Brylee." He lowly, but loud enough for us to hear, said before sipping what was in his cup. I rubbed my hand down Honour's leg and returned to eating my food. If JC was wise, he wouldn't leave us alone. 'Cause the second I get her to myself, it's on and poppin'.

The remainder of our time at the mall, we proceeded to buy things and window shop. Not mentioning all the goofing around we did. Once we left Haywood, I got into Jacoby's car instead of my sister's so he wouldn't have to ride by himself. The whole ride there he gave me a big speech on me and Honour's relationship. He told me that even though relationships aren't based on materialistic things, the fact she'd gotten me something so expensive meant she felt deeply for me. That I already knew, without Honour having to tell me so herself. But he explained that his point was to inform me of how good I had it not to fuck up.

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