3.) Honour

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There were 3 knocks on my door. "Best friend?" My body jumped and so did his. "I know it's late, but are you woke?" Brylee called out to me.

"The closet, go in the closet!" I whispered frantically, my heart beating out of my chest. This is why I didn't want anything to go down while she was still in the house. Once he was safely inside the closet, I cleared my throat softly.

Just as I knew she would, Brylee knocked on the door again. "Nunu?"

"Yeah!" I fake sleepy groaned. "Come in Brylee." The door opened and she left it cracked, the hallway light shining in some. My best friend climbed into bed with me, getting under the cover and scooting over to me.

"I think Gunnar is cheating on me." She softly cried.

"What? Why?" I rubbed her head, ready to listen to her reasoning.

LeeLee sniffed, "We had sex tonight and it felt like he was doing it sorta in a rush to get done so he could leave." She cried a little bit, so I pulled her head on top of my chest and rubbed her upper back. "When I woke up he was gone, and he's never just left in the middle of the night. This is the second time he's done it, the first being the same night you got here."

I shook my head, "Did you question him about it?"

"I didn't feel the need, because when I woke up the next morning he was back in bed." I proceeded to rub her head, lost for words. "Honour I really love this man, I don't know what I'd do if he actually is cheating on me."

"Don't worry, we'll get to the bottom of this." I promised her, holding her as she cried. My mind went wild with many different thoughts, mainly lingering on my hurt friend. Was my own happiness really worth it if I had to step on my best friend to get it? She'd been through enough, especially since she lay right here bawling her eyes out over the thought of betrayal.

And the fact betrayal is the game I was playing as well didn't help.

She laid with me crying until she fell asleep, and I waited a few minutes to assure she was actually sleep before getting out of bed. Going over to the closet, I quietly opened the door and went inside. "She still out there?"

I was pulled down and common sense led me to believe I was straddling him. "She is, she cried herself to sleep..."

"Why? What's going on."

I looked at him through the darkness, "Goonie." I deadpanned, feeling as if that were a dumb question on his part.

He sucked his teeth, "So what now then?"

I rubbed my hands on his face, pecking his juicy lips I'd fallen in love with. "We needa stop, until you figure out what you wanna do." I rubbed my thumb along his cheek. "It's not fair to her we're sneaking around like this."

"I don't see how–"

"Because she needs you." I firmly spoke. "And you need to be there for her, put her mind at ease."

He wrapped his arm around me, rubbing circles in my lower back. "I don't see why I can't make the both of y'all happy at the same time."

"Since you're not ready to tell her how you really feel about me, then we can't be in the open. Sneaking around takes effort and precaution." I caressed his face some more. "Just focus on Brylee right now, something will give eventually."

He sighed, "I sure hope so."

"She needs you more than I do." I assured him.

"But baby, I need you the most." He kissed me passionately, and I sank in it loving the warm feeling around me. I rubbed my hands on his exposed skin, kissing him right back. "I love you Honour."

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