5.) Honour

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"The age of consent is 16, y'know?" Kieron pointed out as we lay cuddled in my bed and he played in my hair

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"The age of consent is 16, y'know?" Kieron pointed out as we lay cuddled in my bed and he played in my hair. Spring Break is long over, but he faked sick to spend the day with me since Brylee had to go out of town for an event. I adjusted my leg over him, bringing myself closer to him.

"We're still 5 years apart, and no law will save me from the wrath of LeeLee." Catching feelings for my best friend's brother was not what I intended to do by communicating with him. When Kie asked for my number, only platonic thoughts 'curred to me. But as the days went by, I found him to be a nice touch to my day. Weeks in and I couldn't deny my crush for him even if I tried. Next thing I knew, we were 6 months in and my love for him was stronger than a balloon in the sky that won't come down.

The way I see it, I'm too deeply involved with Kieron to just walk away. If the consequences be the end to my friendship with LeeLee and a little jail time then so be it. In a year and some change, Kieron'll be eighteen and my waiting by his side would have been worth while.

"I still don't think that Brylee will be that mad about us." There was a tiny hint of irritation in his voice. See, Kie and I felt different about our predicament. While I felt we should be so secretive, he felt we should be open like the wide outdoors. A dramatic change considering that a week ago he was the one who wanted to be secretive and I wanted to be open.

He'd been doing his research and stays throwing the facts at me. Technically it is almost legal for us to have sex, but it's fully legal for us to date. Still, Kieron is still a minor and him nor my heart understand that.

Then came his sister. Yes Brylee takes care of him but he says she's not his mother and can't dictate his life whatsoever. But my point is, she is my best friend and I feel horrible doing her like this but...the heart wants what it wants.

"You may not think so, but I do." He sucked his teeth, and I literally felt his body tense. "I don't wanna argue so let's just stop talking about it." He didn't say anything else, and no longer played in my hair. He laid there completely still, aside from the rise and fall of his chest. I even had to look up to see if he was even awake but of course he was. Kieron laid there staring at the ceiling with his nostrils flared and tears huddled on the rim of his eyes.

I sat up and straddled my baby, caressing his face. "I just wanna show you off man." His voice cracked, "That's all."

"I know I'm yours and you know I'm yours, that's all that matters Kie." He shook his head.

"I want everybody to know that shit. Niggas be walkin' up to you in public and I can't even say shit, 'cause LeeLee be right there! You know my temper Nunu, I'm not use to bottling my shit." I shushed him, wiping his face free from the tears. Staring down at him, I didn't know what to say.. So I just kissed him and laid back down so we could cuddle some more. He held me so tight but still I was so comfortable and ended up falling asleep.

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