Original: Chapter 18 - Inside the mind of Noah

Start from the beginning

Well soon you won't have her, you're a snake and that is all you will ever be

I pulled away from her, my subconscious was right for once. I can't go through with this. I need to call it off.

"Sophia I have something to tell you" I said looking down at the floor feeling embarrassed.

It will drive her away

"What?" She said and a scared look crossed her face

Think about her feelings, can you really hurt her like that

"Noah tell me..." She pressed but I continued looking at the floor

You know the consequences

"I...I..." I stuttered uncontrollably

"You what?" She raised her voice

"I want you to be my girlfriend" I said instantly regretting it why did I say that instead of telling her the truth, I couldn't just come out with- I'm being blackmailed and its all because of you. Of course I wanted her to be my girlfriend, but a relationship based on lies is not a healthy one. Now it is going to be harder- a lot harder to tell the truth. She will think I'm a monster. Her voice suddenly came into my head.

"Just don't fall in love with her, it will make everything 10 times harder to do what is necessary"

What was I supposed to do now, I had fallen in love and trapped myself in a situation I can't get out of. I can't do it, my families reputation will be ruined, they have things against me, horrible things I can't let be released into the public. Things that not even my own mother and siblings know about.

"Oh..." She said obviously embarrassed about over reacting. Please say no, please say no I kept repeating to myself, it will only make things worse and help the plan.

"It's a bit sudden...." She said finally causing me to frown. Inside I wanted her to be mine, I don't want her to be with anyone else and I don't want other guys looking at her, but I knew that this is going to make everything worse for the both of us.

Sophia had turned around at this point and was facing me, suddenly she crushed into my chest hugging me tight. Automatically I embraced her in my arms, this is where I want her to be, with me forever. Noah when did you get so soft. My subconscious groaned, when did I get so soft was it love that did this to people. If so why would people fall in love. I know we don't have a choice in who we fall for and I sure as hell know that from this relationship with Sophia but there must be a way to prevent it, I just have to find out how.

"Let's take it slow" She said, "I like you and I don't want to rush anything, I'm still your employee maybe ask in a few weeks"

I released her and opened the bathroom door. Now that we are officially at a courting stage and not officially in a relationship I need to try and make sure she doesn't fall for me. I have fallen completely in love with her in such a short space of time and as much as I want my feelings to be reciprocated I know that can't happen. If they find out I, as well as my whole family are screwed.

I walked ahead of Sophia to the dining room where my mother had her staff bring out the food, I sat opposite Jackson, Kelly was sitting next to him and my mother and father were at each ends of the table. Sophia followed behind and took a seat next to me. No one asked what I had did fully knowing it would annoy me and I would more than likely storm out- that might not be such a bad thing right now with all of these thoughts going through my head.

There was a wide range of foods my mother-well her staff had prepared, we said grace and then dug in. Sophia didn't eat much but I knew it wasn't my place to say anything, if I did it would seem as if I am trying and since those 7 words left my mouth accidentally were truthful, and as much as they were and I wanted them to be it was impossible.

Just as I had finished my phone rang, I apologised to my family and told them I had to take the call. I stepped into the living room and answered "Yes"

"You have taken her to meet your parents willingly this time" The voice said slyly on the phone

"Who are you and why the hell are you calling me" I said gritting my teeth down the phone

" I work for your friend and I'm calling you to make sure she gets what she deserves" The man said, it's them. I know it; this is the first time I have ever heard their voice.

"She doesn't deserve shit" I screamed then realised my family could be listening in on my conversation "It was my grandmothers-"

"The money is rightfully Brookes, you have been engaged for 5 years and not married, it belongs to her" The man cut me off "You know that we will go to extreme lengths to ensure it is given to the owner so do what you have to or there will be severe consequences. You don't want your families reputation ruined do you now?" He sneered, but he was right if I didn't do this my whole family would go bankrupt. I've dealt with these people before if they don't get what they want they hurt anyone in their way and don't think twice about it.

I have to make a decision now.

Do I let my family go bankrupt and lose everything or....

do I hurt Sophia and give them what they want

It pains me to make this decision, I've fallen in love with her but I will do anything for my family, the relationship with Sophia isn't real, I don't know how she really feels about me. So I have to chose my family. I can stay away from Sophia, how hard will it be?

"I'll get it done" I tell the man and end the call.



I'm really not happy with this chapter, it has taken so long to write and because I wrote it from Noah's point of view I didn't want to give too much away. At least we all know Noah has a secret that Sophia doesn't know about.

Arghhhh I'm so mad that it hasn't turned out the way I wanted!

There is a major plot twist in the story and this is it! I know you don't know what it is just yet so I wanted to keep the suspicion and I thought this was the best way to do it.

We know Noah has fallen for Sophia and she has him, but there is something stopping him from admitting his real feelings for her and it involves her and money...a lot of it!

Don't forget to vote if you did like this whole chapter from Noah's point of view and comment if you want more of these. As soon as I reveal what the big secret is I promise his point of view will get better.

Oh and also follow me so you know when I update so you can receive notifications about when I am going to update!

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