Chapter 18 Just Stop

Start from the beginning

I close my eyes and lick my lips, "I want to" I say so quietly I wasn't sure if he heard me.

"Baby, we don't have to, this relationship is more than sex. I'm not going anywhere, and you need to heal emotionally before we take that step together." This is the second time he's told this to me this bullshit excuse.

Why can't he just say it! He doesn't want me, because I'm a used and disgusting! 

Why is it impossible for him to see that I want new happy memories! 

I can tell Calum can notice the change in my mood, by the way his hands tightens on my hip, "Whats wrong baby?" he asks with a confused look. Acting like he actually cares, Cass was right. I'm here because of pity. 

"You want to know what's wrong Calum? I'll tell you what's bothering me, it's you!"


"Yes! If you were only going to let me stick around out of pity at least you could have the decency to not fucking tease me everyday! You keep telling me what I need, I hope you know I have never been able to make my own decisions in my life it feels like! But it's ok I get it, take pity on the poor abused used up little whore." And with that argument I rolled away from him to only get one foot on the floor before a arm wrapped around my waist and hauled me back. 

I was breathing hard from anger, I've never actually yelled at someone like this before. Staring up at Calum, there is no doubt I pissed him way the fuck off. 

Oh shit. 

"You think i'm here for pity? That I'm a tease? You think I am holding you back from making your on decisions? Let me tell you something Charlie, if I was letting you stay for pity then I wouldn't let you in my room to sleep with me everynight. Mainly because I wouldn't even let you into my house and me being a tease, like what the fuck? From the time you wake up till the time you go to bed, you feel like one big tease to me! Because I want more than just a sexual relationship with you. Oh and sorry I care enough to want to wait for you to have the right piece of mind. I'm am truly tired of explaining my intentions to you, I get it you had a tough life. My heart goes out to you, but if this is how it's going to be, once a week a fight about why I want you or why I don't then no."

He rolled off and started leaving the room, when I quickly got up from the bed and yelled, "Just Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!," my emotions were getting the best of me because I couldn't take it anymore, "Fuck you Calum! Just fuck you! You think I can just forget about everything over time? You think you know best? Try being locked in a fucking closet for five fucking days with no one but the dark! When you can not have insecurities after someone telling you everyday how worthless you are, then come to me and tell me how perfect you are!" I stormed past him down stairs and out the front door. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I walked down the road off of Calum's land. 

I just don't understand how things were once so clear and now I don't know. When Justin came over last week and we talked, I told Calum about it and he had told me he asked him so talk to me.  It was awesome because Justin and I are good friends now, I text him all the time and call him when I need someone. Justin is the one who told me that if I thought I was ready for sexual things then I should go for them. That's what I've been trying to do, but Calum thinks I have too many problems I guess. 

I walk so far I can't see his house behind me anymore, and I doubt he's coming after me. I keep my head down, while I hear a car coming in my direction. I'm still lost in thought until I realized the car stopped, I look up and see Teddy, Lutch, and Kal, some of Calum's members. He probably sent them so he doesn't have to look at me while he sends me packing. 

Teddy, a big man with chestnut hair and brown eyes, comes over, "Come on Charlie"

I move towards the vehicle thinking that it shouldn't come to a surprise that I will once again be on the run from Oliver. I get into the SUV and sit between Lutch and Teddy, once were all seated all the sudden my mouth is covered with a cloth, and before I realize what's happening blackness slowly takes over. 

Calum's POV******

Charlie's never been so mad she yells at me, I dont know how long its been since she left me standing shocked in our room but I just don't know what to say. I look at the clock on the dresser and see that it's been two hours since she left the room. I get up and head down stairs and notice she must be outside, I walk out onto the porch but still don't see her. "CHARLIE!" 

I don't hear anything, but my gut is telling me something is very wrong. I pull out my phone and go straight to her number, praying that she realizes that I truly do care and how much I've fallen for her since we've met. 

"You have reached the number of -" I hang up and call again.

and again.

and again. 

and,"Well, well,well, hello Calum. Is there a reason you keep trying to reach Charlie?"

My stomach drops when I realize who's talking to me, all I see is red, "If you fucking hurt her, you peice of shit I will make your death so much more painful then it's already going to be."

"Now, are you really in a position where you can make threats? I mean it was your own men who brought her to me, so since I am a caring man, I will allow you a goodbye. Hold on I need to take her gag off." Oliver says like it's the most natural thing

I grit my teeth, thinking of who would betray me. My own brothers, "Ca-l-uu-mm?" I hear my Angles soft scratchy voice.

"Baby" I say with so much emotion, I hear her whimper in response before she quietly says, "I'm so sorry I yelled at you. I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I.... I lo-"

"Sorry Charlie needs to go, she has a long punishment that needs to be given. Bye bye."


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