Start from the beginning

Lavender shot a glare at a metal table, pointing at the newspaper. One of the men walked over and handed him the paper, not before opening a drawer and getting a bottle of water.
"Grab two more, I'm sure our friend here is a little thirsty." The gangster obliged as he gave both to his boss, slinking away as fast as he arrived. "You see, you've missed a little bit since you've been asleep. Mayor's been re-elected, new stores have made shop here in town." Lavender took the lid off a bottle and took a sip. "Mind my manners. Here." He grabbed the extra bottle and undid the lid, slowly bringing the neck of the bottle to his chapped lips.
The officer glared as he refused the water.
"Come on, you're dry enough as is, drink up." The officer continued to stare as it slowly unpursed his lips to take a sip.
"Good." Lavender said as he took the bottle and put the lid back on. "It's been a blast around here from what I've heard, everything going according to plan. Here, at least."

The cop narrowed his eyes as Lavender put the bottle on the floor next to his feet.
"See, I've been a little busy lately. Well, at this point we should just say you." The air went stale as Lavender snapped his fingers and the men walked out the room and returned with a TV on a rolling stand.
"You see, all this time you've been asleep I've been busy parading around as you about town. And let me just say, amazing hand-work."

Lavender picked up the remote and turned on the TV, footage of the officer began to pop up on the screen. Flashing about, showcasing the Carnage that he had apparently caused. "You've managed to kill all your coworkers at work, run a cruiser into a bank and rob them. Truly an impressive feat for someone who looks  up like a jiffypop accident."
Lavender chuckled at the thought, "But don't worry friend, I have a plan."
He turned his chair backwards and sat with his chest facing the back of the chair.
"You've done me a great service taking the blame here. So, I've done a few things while you've been under."

Lavender put his hands up defensively, "Don't worry, all good things." He chuckled as he pressed the button on the remote, the footage switching over to a nice scenic beach, the waves crashing on the shoreline. After a few seconds of looking at the ocean, the sound of a baby giggling played, the camera switched again showing footage of a young woman and a newborn child. The officers eyes grew wide in anger, attempting to break out of his constraints.

"Calm down. Calm down. Their safe, I sent them on vacation. Courtesy of me and my family of course." Lavender dug into his pocket and pulled out his lighter. Flicking it on and off, over and over again. "You can join them if you'd like, you just need to do one last favor for me."

"Ya'see, Mr. Finch was always a kind man, my family had his number for a long time.
But there's one thing that irks me the wrong way y'know?"

Lavender snapped his fingers and the men rolled the TV over, opening the drawers revealing an assortment of butcher knives and sharp objects. "Not once did he ever get on the bad side of this family, always followed instructions. His kid was stupid but not that stupid. So that brings me to this, someone must've forced his hand."
He picked up a knife and began to play with the tip. Looking at his reflection as he pointed the knife at the officers head.
"Just tell me who sent that police force, then you can go join your wife. Debts repaid, this never happened and you get to keep your life." The officer's breathing sped up as Lavender brought his knife up and struck quickly, barely missing his ring finger. "So I'll repeat myself just this once. Who hired you."

Lavender sighed as he brought his hand to his face and ran his fingers down his pale cheeks. He walked over to the metal table once more and picked up a cleaver. One swift chop and the policeman lost his right pinky and ring finger. An animalistic yelp escaped his lips as blood began to spray out, covering his lap and the floor beneath.
Breathing heavily, the officer looked at Lavender, clenching his teeth as hard as he could as a "Fuck you" escaped his charred lips. Lavender sighed as he pulled out his lighter and flicked it on, slowly dragging the flame on the cops chopped open fingers. "Always the hard way with you people." Lavender said as he closed it again, the lighter killing the flame once again, "Look at me." Their eyes met, the cop's charred eyelids stayed half open. "Either you tell me or your wife's next." The officer just stared blankly, Lavender's eyes narrowed as he coughed up a loogie and threw the lighter at the wall. "Fuck em."

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