Chapter Twenty-Four

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In a few minutes, Fox was watching the old van clatter away, bouncing along the cobbled lane until it vanished behind a bungalow and series of oak trees. Fox was now left alone again with Esme Dupont, something he didn't really enjoy.

Sighing, Fox turned around and headed deeper into the village heart. Dupont trailed after him, sticking to him like a shadow diligently.

'Goin' to the other side. Might find a quiet spot to hitchhike.' He murmured.

Travelling through Gyle was simple enough. There weren't many people, cars seemed to be in greater number as they flew through the village without stopping. Policemen were often sleeping in the summer sun or drifting by without much purpose. The White Wizards remained out of sight.

Dupont's stomach growled as they moved by the bakeries and cafes. Fox's own churned, but not that strongly, he was used to going without food, but he couldn't ignore the constant gurgling behind him. He stopped for food but made it out that he was only eating for himself, not for Dupont. Building a bridge of friendship was not going to do any good, especially with Cuckoo's words rumbling about his head and his own doubts of Dupont's killing.

Keep her distant, he reminded himself as he handed her a stuffed baguette. He didn't like how her eyes lit up and how happy she looked at the food, how she thanked him. It made his doubt grow stronger.

Fox tore onwards, filling his own stomach with some savoury sweets.

'You need something better than that.' Dupont said behind him.

'My money, I eat what I want.' Fox said firmly.

Dupont tutted but said nothing else.

Soon they reached the other side of Gyle where the road grew narrower as they slinked off into the wooded heaths and hills. Few houses stood here and the ones that did had massive lawns marked by fences and kept out the wilderness with sheers and lawnmowers.

They stopped by the road and Fox herded Dupont to sit amongst the trees, hiding herself a little, while he stood on the verge and held his thumb out. Ten cars passed by and not one stopped. This was going to take a while.

Dupont was quiet at first, finishing off her meal and sharing it with Absolon. The bird song filled the air and the distant shouts of dogs and lawnmowers mingled with it, only breaking when a car roared by.

'Who is Warbler?' Dupont asked just as Fox hunkered down. He was incredibly bored.

'Huh?' Fox muttered as he woke himself up a little.

'Warbler. Who is he? What's he like?'

'A Fence, like Doe and Cuckoo. He's a doctor too.'

Dupont looked taken aback. 'A doctor? But he's a criminal. How can he be a doctor?'

'We aint' criminals. We're a Guild.'

'You break into people's houses and steal things.'

'Things people want stolen and made to go missin'. That Eye you're happily blackmailin' me with; I'm returnin' it to the original owner. He has the other three but the forth went missing years back. Someone obviously swiped it and we're returnin' it.'

Dupont had her higher-than-thou stubborn look to her, the one that always annoyed him.

'You stole it which makes you a criminal.'

'We're a Guild. We're workers. We have rules. No random swiping, only contracts and-' He stopped when Dupont's expression grew increasingly un-impressed.

'Organised crime still makes you a criminal.' She said.

'Whatever.' Fox grumbled and rubbed his face, deciding to change the subject quickly before they started a full-on argument. 'Warbler is a doctor and a good one.' Dupont clearly thought otherwise. He ignored the urge to fight her. 'We're goin' to him. He's someone who'll help us like Cuckoo, although not everyone will. Don't trust everyone in the Fingers.'

FoxheartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang