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All it took was four years for me to become the owner of one of the most successful cafés in the country.

I remember the day I reopened it as 'Madison Café' as soon as it become mine.

Oh how time has changed.

But the one person who stayed by my side through it all was Jeremy. My business partner of three years and my best friend of four years.

So here we are, four years, three TV appearances and a trillion pastries later.

I stay in the heart of Melbourne, making pastries and creating new recipes. I leave all the travelling to Jeremy, he's quite good with that stuff, in fact it was his idea to branch out.

So technically, I own three Madison café's.

But to me, it'll always have a special place in my heart as Brioche café, once owned by the beautiful Luisa Marie Durand. I can only hope she looks down at me, proud of how far I brought our business.

I wish I could see my mother more, but I understand she has another person to keep her hands full.

She adopted a little boy called Benny two years ago. He's the best little brother I could ask for.

They live about an hour away from the city and I visit them when I can, bearing cakes obviously, but not as often as I'd like.

Though my life has changed drastically, (I mean, my face is on a highway billboard for crying out loud!) I haven't changed.

Sure the past four years have been kind to me, one can say. I've still got my white-blonde hair, well it wasn't going to go anywhere was it?

But I let it grow out now. Somehow, having long hair that you can tie into a ponytail is so much easier than my windswept look which, thank heavens, I grew out of.

I've got sleeve tattoos that my mother isn't particularly happy about but I'm insanely proud of them; and more or less, a nose piercing.

I know what you're thinking, only douche bags wear nose rings, however, it was a drunk bet made between Jeremy, myself, Nick and Christian. (some friends I made a year ago.)

A bet that I lost, but thankfully, my football team won that night, so I was more than happy to get a hole pierced in my nose to shut those idiots up.

I'm a happy guy, living a fulfilling life. I get tearful when I think of the dark places I've been and how close I've come to ending it all... many times.

I'm proud of myself for holding on, just a little longer.

With all this in mind, I can't help but feel an empty void.

A void that can't be filled by anyone or anything except by the person who made it in the first place.


I tried to do it for a year. The whole, 'relationship' thing.

But it was too hard. We were living two different lives, living in two different places, too far apart.

Sooner or later we ended it. It was too painful. Wanting someone so bad; but not being able to have them.

We've gone three years without any contact. I wished her all the best and she wished me all the best.

I moved on. It took a painfully long time, but I moved on.... So I tell myself.

I didn't get over her though.

It's been three years and she still wonders into my mind.

I wonder how she is.

I wonder if she thinks about me as often as I think about her.

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