chapter 8

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Holy Hell!! This day this week has been total shit!  I finally caught up  with my mother and she's about to have a surprise as I join her in her favorite spas sauna.  Look at her I seeth, living it up like nothing is wrong . No care on how she treats her own flesh and blood. God I miss dad. With a sigh I straightened my back and shoulders and carried myself way more conveniently than I felt. I walked in the sauna spotted her right away and made my way to her. I sit and face her, she has her eyes closed, doesn't even know I'm here. "Mom" was all I said and her eyes popped open. " what the hell Victoria,  are you trying to give me a heart attack!" "No mom, I can't believe I had to scout out your favorite places to catch you. Why? Why have you been ignoring me mom? You do realize we have to speak at some point right... Don't you miss me any momma?"
"Oh hush that noise Victoria.  Your a grown woman now and neediness doesn't become you. I knew I would eventually have to speak with you about our situation,  but honestly I don't see the big deal."
"Mother please, this marriage is a's not real! He just wants Ben to sign some papers and this situation is just and entrapment to force Ben."
" Young lady how dumb do you think I am?  He has told me about his plan for his son. I agreed to the Marriage with benefits so that when it's all over I will be well taking care of. Your mother is wise beyond her yrs, you need not worry about my feelings I'm where I want to be."
"Did you not care how this would hurt me though. I love Benjamin and this affects us in the worst way.  Your fake husband came on to me a few days ago when he came instead of you to my shop. He grabbed me mom, I was scared..he said things that I want repeat."
"He did not tell me this but I'm sure he was just trying to get his point across, and you broke his nose so now yall even. Victoria men are bullies in some ways and your just an easy target. He don't want you, he wants his son."    I jump up shocked and hurt that my mother could be so cruel." So the hard on he had pushed against my ass as he trapped me against the counter was my imagination then right mother!!!"  "Young lady you watch your filthy mouth! Get out and don't come or call me til you learn to respect your mother !  I can't believe you think I care if he wants someone else, I don't care. I want the comfort of money honey, and you should think about that while your on that houseboat of yours."
Tears streaming down my face I turn and rush to the door. Before I made it out mom called to me says" stop your crying Victoria,  men don't like weak women. Your daddy babied you to much honey, he made you soft. I'm tough on you cause I love you sweetie."
I hurried home jumped in the shower and let loose all my tears. I have always envied other mothers and daughters relationships and wondered how it felt to be a happy family. My dad was a kind,caring, strong man. I just don't know why he tolerated mom. I assume it was because of me, but plenty divorced parents are happy. I don't know, I'm so drained,  tired of it all. I will not call her until she makes effort to contact me. A knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts, I pulled on my house gown and went to open the door I knew it had to be Ben.


I've had a bad feeling all day. I've been so worried about Tori, her emotions are all over the place and the hurt and confusion is all over her face. I hate that my world brought this onto her. I knock on her door, as I go to know again she opens the door and right away I can tell she been crying.  " sweets" I reach and pull her to me. We hugged each other for few minutes with out speaking.

I walk her to the couch and we sit, I pull her legs in my lap and she rest her head on my chest. "Please tell me how I can help you sweets, your pain is killing me."
"I found and spoke to mother today." Was all she had to say and now I understand why she is upset. "What happened?"
She told him everything and the tick in his jaw showed how mad he was feeling.  When she was done I pulled her face up and kissed her tears away.
"I visited father today too. Let's just say I was thrown out by security",  he quietly laughs to himself," can you believe that ."  I giggle then too, "actually yeah..I can totally see that". They kiss again this time with heated passion and no thoughts of the day they just had.

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