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In school we've been taking some tests so we can plan our future and stuff like that.

I thought it would be fun for my future self reading this (hey Ashley) to learn about her 13-year old (14 years old in 14 days) self!

Personality Type
I am an INTJ, which stands for
Introvert - focuses their attention inwards, concentrates little at a time, considerate, works careful but steady.
INtuitive - works with theories and ideas, uses their imagination.
Thinker - analyzes problems logically, motivated by achievement, makes decisions objectively.
Judgemental - maintains control, works in a predictable environment.
Some famous INTJs are Michelle Obama and Gandalf from Lord of the Rings.
INTJs make up 2% of the world's population, and .8% are females!

These are some main, popular "career clusters" that showed my percentage.
Health Science - 82%
Education & Training - 65%
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics - 53%
Hospitality & Tourism - 47%
Human Services - 47%
Information Technology - 47%
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security - 47%
Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communication - 41%
Government & Public Administration - 41%
Finance - 35%
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics - 35%
Architecture & Construction - 29%
Business Management & Administration - 29%
Marketing - 29%
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources - 24%
Manufacturing - 24%

I have a bit of everything, I suppose :P
I'm so happy that Health Sciences is at the top, because that's what I would like to do in the future. *sweats* um right future Ashley??

This is my matching occupation list!
My strongest interests are with the Investigative, Artistic, and Social categories.

Atmospheric and Space Scientist
Allergist and Immunologist
Clinical Psychologist
Environmental Economist
Industrial Ecologist
Medical Scientist
Naturopathic Physician
Pediatrician (thank the Lord because this is what I want to do)
Rehabilitation Physician
School Psychologist
Urban/Regional Planner

I'm so happy that I got these results tbh.

In the future, my top aspiration is to become a Pediatrician, but I also consider being a Forensic Scientist (crime scene discovery) , Oncologist (treats cancer) , or a Sociologist (conducts social experiments to learn more about human nature)

I have an essay due on Friday about whether or humans are essentially bad or good, and a Socratic seminar next week sometime!

Goodnight! <3

Basically, Me. [Mid 2016 - Early 2017]Where stories live. Discover now