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(A/N: Sometimes, you just need a little support from a dragon friend.)

So far, so good. The day was staring out great. Waking up, walking downstairs for breakfast, giving Toothless some food, eating and then heading out.

They had been flying for a while, heading for Itchy Armpit.

Hiccup's POV.

"I missed this, bud," I say and lean over the saddle to put my hand on the side of his head. Toothless growls and looking back at me, giving me his signature smile.

I sit back up again and pull at the handles of the saddle and Toothless shoots up. He's really sensitive with this saddle. That's why I made it. I can push down the handles slightly and we're gonna be plummeting.

We fly through some clouds and when we're out of them, he stops flying and he folds his wings close to his body.

I turn to look at the clouds coming towards us as we plummet. I see the ocean when we're through the clouds and I'm surprised at how high up we are. I thought we were only a few hundred feet up. It's way more then that.

I lean to the right and Toothless spins to that direction. A few moments later, we level out and I stretch out my arms like I did the last time we flew to Itchy Armpit.

"Thanks bud, I needed that," I saw and lay down on his back, patting his outstretched wing.

He grumbled at me and we just flew there, on the way to Itchy Armpit. I sigh. "Hey, Toothless?" I ask and close my eyes. I hear him grumble again, as if he asked me what it was.

"Do you think...should I propose to Astrid?"

I sit up and I see the seastack island before us. We land and I get off, looking at him. He looks at me before looking away for a few moments. Then, he looks back at me and nods.

"Do you think she wants to be with me?"

He nods again and then lays down on the cool ground. Nice and cold. He's probably relieved because I bet he's so hot after that flight.

I smile and walk over to him, sitting down by his stomach. It rumbles, as if he was hungry, - he probably is - and then he starts doing his thing again.

"Oh god, not again," I say and then a slimy fish head lands between us. I hold up my hands. "Thanks, Toothless, but I'm not hungry. You can have it," I say and pat his leg.

I look up at the clouds above and my thoughts wonder off.

Me and Astrid have been together for well over five years but...does she want this? She always used to say, "I would never want to marry someone. That's not what a shield maiden is supposed to do." What if, she has to say, "Yes," when I ask her because she thinks she has to because I'm the chief? I don't want to force her to do anything. Especially not this. It's too big of a thing for her. She doesn't deserve to be forced into marriage-

I hear a loud squawk and I turn my head to look behind me. It's Stormfly.


I sigh and put on a smile, even though I'm worried and scared. They land behind us and she jumps off of the Nadder. She pulls of her fur hood and looks at me. I lost it all.

She's so beautiful. She starts walking towards me and when she reaches me, she sits down beside me. I have my arm stretched out and when she settles, I lay it around her.

"Hey there, babe," She says softly and fiddles with a part of my suit. "Hey," I say and lean in, pressing my lips against her cheek.

She laughed softly before snuggling into my side and laying her head on my shoulder. We stay there for quite a few hours. Just sitting there, laughing. However, I wanted to know and I was too eager.


I ask and lift my head to look at her. She looks at me, her head still laying on my shoulder. "Yeah?" She asks slowly and looks at my hand laying in my lap. She slides her hand under mine and holds it.

"I know this comes like a sudden question but...have you ever considered...marriage?" I ask and look at her. Her head snaps up when I finish my sentence and her mouth is slightly open.

"I..." she trails off.

"I'm sorry. You don't have to answer. I just wanted to know. Since, we've been together for over five years and I feel like I want us to be more then what we are now and I don't want anyone else to be my wife then you. I'm sorry-"

She caught me off this time and I look at her. "Yes, I have. And, I would gladly be your wife. It just took me by surprise. Yes. I want to get married to you, Hiccup. I've been thinking for a long time and I do. I want to get married to you and I want to be your wife. Not just because you're the chief or because you need a wife and a heir. But because I love you. And because I want to be able to come home after a long day, knowing that I can expect you to be home that night and that we finally don't have to spend so much time away from each other."

I just sit there, surprised and amazed at what she said. "Astrid..." I say and pull my arms away from her. I place my hands on her cheeks and I smile, moving my thumb over her cheek.

"Will you marry me and be my wife?"

She smiles and nods and grabs by belts, pulling me in. I smile and kiss her softly, finally content and calm.

I pull away for a few seconds to say, "Thank you," before kissing her again.

Hiccstrid One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now