This Life...

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Hiccup's life was perfect. Well, almost. You see, he sat there, on Toothless, looking out over the village. It was his village now.

Since Stoick had saved Hiccup's life earlier that day, he had passed away, leaving behind the chiefdom to his son.

Astrid smiled and looked over the village. It would be so much work taking all the ice away ad re-building the destroyed huts.

Suddenly, she felt doe thing warm grab her hand and she looked down. Hiccup stood there, beside Stormfly, holding her hand in his.

The man smiled up at his girlfriend and released her hand, reaching out his arms. Astrid smiled and jumped down from her Nadder, rushing into her boyfriends arms.

Hiccup smiled and hugged her tightly, burring his face into her neck. "Astrid..." He signed, making Astrid shiver in delight. The blonde had her arms wrapped around the chief's neck, tightly, hugging him.

They stood there, slowly rocking from side to side in a calming way while hugging. But suddenly, Astrid pulled away and trailed her fingers though his hair before placing them on his cheek.

"Hiccup...are you alright?" She asked and looked at him, concerned. "Could have been better but I'm fine now that in with you..."

"Aww, that's cheesy, even for you..."

The man chuckled. It was the first sign of her Hiccup coming back. Then, the man grabbed Astrid's waist and lifted her up, swirling her around once before placing down the blonde beauty.

Astrid laughed, placing her hands on his shoulders. Right after Hiccup had placed her down, he got surprised. Astrid grabbed his cheeks and slammed her lips against his in a hard and passionate kiss.

"Mmm..." Hiccup hummed into the kiss. "Huh?"

They pulled away, much to m both's disappointment. "No, keep going..."

Then, they kissed again.

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