Your Mine, Now

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Hiccup smiled as he looked around the village from Toothless' back. It was his village.

Due to the mean and evil man Drago, their village was destroyed and the beloved late chief had died, trying to save his son.

But, there was hope because e had amazing people who where supporting him.

"Bud, come on, we need to find Astrid...I have to talk to her..." Hiccup said o the Night Fury he was sitting on. The dragon nodded and lifted from the pavilion.

Hiccup searched though the village and finally found her at the Cove.

He landed and looked around, still in awe of the place. It still as beautiful as it where the say he had discovered it.

Toothless went directly for the old tree that he used to sleep on and hanged himself up-side-down, sleeping.

Hiccup smiled as he neared his girl. He slowly sat down beside her and laid an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer.

"Hey, babe..." The blonde signed. Hiccup knew that something was wrong but that couldn't ruin the plans he had.

Hiccup buried his nose into her hair and kissed it. "M'lady..." He whispered into her ear. Astrid turned her head towards him and smiled.

Suddenly, she soothed closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry..."

Hiccup furrowed his brows. 'Why is she sorry, she didn't do anything...' Hiccup thought.

"I'm sorry..." Astrid said again. "Why are you sorry? You haven't done anything bad..." Hiccup said, trying to calm her down.

"Yes I have! If I hadn't gone after you that day when you left from the stables, then I wouldn't have worried about you getting captured by Drago..." Astrid calmed down a little and continued. "I was worried about you so I wanted to kidnap Eret so he could show us the was to Drago. However, when we got there, he captured us. When I saw that you weren't there, I knew that I had done something bad. And that's when I opened my mouth. I said that you where the greatest dragon master in the world and that you have a Night Fury. Maybe, if I hadn't said something like that...then you father would be alive right now!"

Hiccup signed. He stood up, pulling up Astrid after him. The blonde stood leaned against the big boulder behind her. Hiccup placed his right hand beside her face as he neared him.

" would have turned out like this either way. I can't blame you..." He whispered. His face was only a couple of investment away from hers. His lips where almost touching hers. "Hiccup..." Astrid whispered.

The man pressed himself against her, trapping her between him and the boulder. "Your know that right?" Hiccup asked with a low voice.

The blonde stared into his eyes and got lost. She didn't even notice that her eyes where closing as he pressed his lips against hers.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. The man moved a hand from the rock behind her to the small of her back, caressing it.

They pulled away and hugged for a good hour or so. "I love you Hiccup..." Astrid whispered. "I love you to, Astrid..."

'Looks like the plans have to wait for a few minutes...'

(A/N: Hey guys. I WILL do a Big Hero 6 book. But...I'm sure that it will go as slow as; "The Love Between Us," so yeah.

Um...yeah! The plans Hiccup had was actually proposing but I have to get ready for school so, yeah, bye!)

- Toothless_NightFury1.

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