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Astrid stood leaned against the Academy's opening, watching her boyfriend as he had a class with a bunch of small kids.

Hiccup was just nearing the end of his session with the kids, teaching them the basics of riding a dragon.

"Thank you, Hiccup!" One of the kids said and raised his arms, wanting to get lifted up. Hiccup smiled. He loved children.

They where small and smart. They could totally help you to get into a small space if you didn't fit and most importantly.

They're kids.

Hiccup laughed and crouched down to the thigh-high kids. "So, who wants to be picked up?" He asked with a play-voice.

"Me, me!" The small Vikings yelled.

Astrid laughed and slowly walked into the ring, towards Hiccup with the small helpers.

"Hey Ms. Astrid!" One of the red-haired-girls said and waived. Astrid smiled and picked her up, getting another one on the way up.

Hiccup gathered three kids in his arms and stood up. "Hiccup...can we ride Toothless around the arena?" A brown-haired-boy asked with a smile.

Hiccup laughed and nodded. He called in Toothless and the Night Fury was there in seconds.

"Toothless!" The kids laughed in
amusement at the dragon.

The two young adults placed the small kids onto Toothless back and told him to walk around the village.

The kids where more than ecstatic when they heard it. Toothless disappeared out of the Academy and the two smiled.

"Gods do I love children," Hiccup said with a smile as he brushed his hands though his hair, looking at Astrid.

The blonde smiled, nearing him sexily. "So, you consider getting some of your own one day?"

Hiccup pulled his girlfriend against him and kissed her neck. "I'd love to have a bunch of kids running round in the house someday."

Astrid pulled back, placing her hands on his chest. "How many do you want, babe?" She asked. Hiccup shrugged. He leaned down, and placed his lips by her ear.

"As many as we're lucky to get..."

Astrid signed. "I know that. But, you wouldn't want like...ten children, do you?" She asked, raising her brows.

"I wouldn't be mad if that happened," Hiccup said and placed his hands on his cheeks, smashing his lips against hers.

"Babe..." Astris complained. "Stop it before the small ones come back. If they find us kissing like this...them we're in trouble. It's like we just stood here all day, kissing."

"That wouldn't be so bad..."


"But seriously Hiccup..."

They still stood in the Academy. However, the class had finished, Hiccup had sent Toothless home and it was already dark outside.

"What do you want to come with this...'but seriously Hiccup?'" He imitated.

"First of all, I don't sound like that. And second...I've though about this children thing and since your the chief, why not give it a try? I mean, I'm already your mothers daughter-in-law!"

"You mean that you want to try to have children...with who?"

Gods, sometimes, guys can be so stupid.

"With you...genius!" Astrid laughed and Ruffles his hair. Hiccup stared at her.

Finally, after some years I thinking, it finally drew to him.

"If you want, I could clear down my desk and screw you senseless for the rest of the night, sounds good?" Hiccup asked, trying to hold a straight face.

But, of course, Astrid caught him. "Yeah, hold your straight face. But I still caught you..." She said and neared him, grabbing the bulge in his pants.

She squeezed it one before looking at him. "So, when will you clear off your desk?"

Hiccup gave away with a low dragon-roar that sounded more like pleading in mercy.

Astrid laughed, grabbed him by his belt and pulled him all the way towards his house.

(A/N: So, I got a comment about many chapters ending in sex and I kinda like it because the reader can fantasies about when happened later. - hehe -

Also, I'm really not good at smut so pardon...)


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