Oh, No, Hiccup

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(A/N: This chapter will be pretty long. Anyway, enjoy reading this. I put really much time, effort and thoughts on this...)

"Dad...no..." Hiccup whispered when he felt his mothers hand on his back. He couldn't believe it. One second, his father and mother hand danced happily together in the cave and the other second, Toothless was about to kill him but his father saved him.

He didn't care about having his mother there right then. He wanted his life. He wanted Astrid beside him. He wanted her to be there for him, - even though e wouldn't admit it.

And that is exactly what he got.

He felt a hand on his back before seeing his blonde beauty beside him. And even though she had tears building in her eyes, almost letting them fall, she was still beautiful.

He felt one of her hands on his back and shoulder, stroking it in an attempt to sooth him. Maybe only for a while.

Because the next thing he knew, she had sat down beside him, slowly and carefully placing her ea on his shoulder.

Hiccup smiled, even if it was for a me'er moment. Tears rolled down his cheek slowly and landed in Astrid's hand, - which was laying on his knee.

"Astrid..." Hiccup whispered, barely audible. I'm respond, she squeezed the hand she was bonding in hers, letting him know that she stood open and would listen to anything.

"I'm so glad that you're here. I don't know what I could have done if it was you who is laying here, in front of me..." He responded in the same tone.

Surprisingly, Hiccup didn't feel his mothers hand on his back anymore. He searched or where she was with his eyes and found her, helping the others to haul in a small ship.

Astrid suddenly stood up, helping up her love. And when he stood up, he was slumped together. His back was bent, making him about the height as the blonde was, which made her almost unhappy.

Astrid grabbed his arms and straightened him. "Hiccup, look at me..." She whispered. The man looked at her with sad eyes but when she put on a small smile, Hiccup smiled to a bit.

And the next thing they both knew, Astrid had her arms wrapped around his neck while his where wrapped around her waist, pulling her incredibly close.

Astrid smiled and pulled away a bit, looking him in the eyes. But what came next made her even sadder. Tears rolled down his cheeks every second.

She pulled back her hands and placed them on his cheeks, wiping away the tears.

She knew that it was hard for him. Loosing a father he'd had for twenty years then getting a mother he didn't even know he had.

She understood him. She knew how it was to loose a parent. She had lost both of her parents at really small age and uncle Finn wasn't much for help since he fled away in shame for being afraid of the Flightmare.

But, she was going to tell him everything she knew about that.

"Hiccup. Everything will be alright. You aren't the only one who's lost a parent. I don't have any. But, the most important part is that this pain that is filling your soul, it won't be there forever. It will take a while for you to get used to it but I promise you that everything will be okay...trust me."

Hiccup gazed into his woman's eyes and nodded slowly. "I trust you. With all my heart for that matter of fact. Your really the one and only person that I could give my heart and soul for. I trust you" He said one more before tracing his hand over her back.

Astrid smiled warmly at her man, letting him know that she understood and agreed with him.

Because, she really did. She loves the man with all her life and heart. And there wasn't any other that she wanted to be with, just with him. And Hiccup knew it.

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