Here I Am

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(A/N: Isn't she beautiful?)

Astrid signed softly, looking at the burning ship where their beloved Stoick the Vast was laying in.

Her eyes drifted from the ship to her boyfriend. He was slumped down, head bowed and sobbing.

His mother, Valka had already talked to him. She was deciding if she would go up to him.

However, when her legs took steps forward on their own, she just followed.

Her hand brushed against his back, slowly trailing upwards. Hiccup didn't seem to care.

Astrid looked back, seeing that the others where looking at them. She looked at Gobber before looking at Hiccup's mother.

The two older adults raised their brows, looking at the others. "Come on, let's leave them alone for a while..." Valka whispered, slowly walking away with the gang.

Hiccup turned his head just a little when he heard that, he saw Astrid hand on his shoulder and he signed.

Once the gang had walked away, Astrid begun to speak.

"Hiccup..." She whispered. The man looked up at the burning ship. "Hiccup, please," Astrid begged, her voice failing her.

Tears where streaming down her face by the time he had turned his head towards her.

Hiccup's eyes widened and he looked at her. He'd never seen her cry, not even once. Sure, she had been sad multiple times but not the crying-sad.

"A...Astrid?" He asked. The blonde sobbed. "Don't...don't leave me," She choked out.

Hiccup turned towards her fully. "Astrid...please. Tell me why you're crying. I won't leave you, what do you mean?" He asked, frustrated.

The blonde walked into his arms, placing her head on his shoulder. "After my mother died..." Astrid begun, looking back at the memories she had when she was three.

Hiccup listened closely. "My dad became quiet. He didn't do much. He just sat by their bed all day long. I checked into him one time and he was laying in the floor. He had died because of the grieving. I don't want to lose you too, Hiccup."

The man looked up. "Oh, Astrid..." Hiccup whispered, pulling back. "I won't go anywhere. As long as I have you, I'll survive."

"But you almost died!" She protested. Hiccup pulled away, placing his large, rough hands on her cheeks.

"I'm here, right...I won't go anywhere as long as you're with me," Hiccup said with such soothing voice she had never heard.

"Promise?" Astrid sobbed out. "I promise, M'lady."

Astrid wrapped her arms around Hiccup's neck, hugging him. Hiccup wrapped his arms around her back, hugging her hard.

The gang looked at them from a couple of hundred feet. "Who is that girl?" Valka asked.

"Hiccup's girlfriend," Everyone answered with an emotionless voice.

"Girlfriend? When did that happen?"

"Five years ago," Gobber answered. Valka raised her brows. "My boy's growing up to fast," She said.

"And that's not the only thing. I was in the forge a few days ago and checked on him. He had a ring ready on a shelf," Gobber said with a smile.

"So, they're getting married soon?" Snotlout asked. "I think so."

"Why does my cousin get everything first? I mean, he got a girlfriend before me. A wife before me. He even got laid before me!"

"Snotlout!" Astrid yelled. The man looked at her. "You better run," Fishlegs said.

Snotlout looked at her. "Oh no..." He said before taking off.

"Now, that's what I awesome girlfriend," Hiccup said to himself. "Soon wife, hopefully."

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