Emotional Question

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(A/N: First of all, hAVE YOU GUYS SEEN THIS ANIMATION ON TUMBLR!? It's amazing and pretty sad. So, I changed it around a little.)

The sun was slowly disappearing behind the sea as Toothless calmly flew over the island, Hiccup and Astrid sitting on his back.

The blonde had her arms wrapped around her boyfriend's waist and her head was laying on his shoulder. One of Hiccup's hands was placed over hers and his thumb was slowly moving over the back of her hand.

Astrid hummed from time to time and buried her nose into his neck, his hair tickling her in the face.

Hiccup smiled and turned his head softly. Astrid pulled her head away from him and looked at him. Hiccup looked at her with a sincere look before putting Toothless' tail into auto and turning towards her. He placed his large hand under her chin and leaned in slightly, his nose brushing hers.

He leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes for a few seconds before pulling back.

Placing his other hand on her cheek, he smiled and caressed her cheek with his thumb. "You're so beautiful, milady," he whispered and leaned in, pressing a small kiss to the corner of her lower lip before pulling away and turning forwards, unlocking the tail.

Astrid smiled and wrapped her hands around him, leaning forward and placing a kiss on his yaw, whispering, "You're my perfect boyfriend, babe. I love you," before laying her head on his shoulder.

The rest of the flight was quiet. Sometimes, Toothless would grumble or yawn but else, there was nothing.

Suddenly, Hiccup directed Toothless for a slow and easy dive. Soon, they landed on a cliff with a single tree. Hiccup got off and then turned towards Astrid. He bowed before holding out his hand for her to take. Astrid smiled and got off Toothless, her hand in Hiccup's. He pulled her against him, one of his arms around her waist as the other one was laying around her neck. Astrid laughed softly and wrapped her arms around his back.

"Is there a reason to why you took me here and why you're thing clingy?" Astrid asked, her head laying on his shoulder. Hiccup shook his head, lying.

"I'm sorry, Astrid."

The blonde pulled away, looking at her love. "...Hiccup?"

"I'm sorry. I'm not the boyfriend you deserve. You deserve someone better. I'm not there for you when you need me and that makes me upset. I'm not the one for you...we've been through much and I loved every moment of it but...I can't do this to you anymore. You deserve someone better. I'm not the person for you. I'm not there when you need support. You need someone who's there for you. I'm not the one. I think...to make things better for you...maybe we should...go separate ways..." Hiccup finished, turned away from her.

He glanced back at Astrid and saw her with tears flowing down her cheeks. "Hiccup-" He interrupted her. "No, Astrid. I'm making things easier for you. You deserve better then me."

"Hiccup! Listen to me! I need you. You've been there for me when no one else was and I don't want anyone else then you. You're perfect! When I first got to see you, I wanted to get to know you. You were this interesting person who had a mind of his own and followed his own will. No one would tell him what to do because, even if they would, he wouldn't listen. I wanted to get to know you so bad. I wanted to be friends with you. Eventually, I started to like you. But, I had to push my feelings away because of the others. They told me, "It's him or us. Just know that if you choose him, you'll never be welcome to be with us," I had no other choice then to go with them. I'm so sorry for hurting you and ignoring you when we were smaller. When you and Toothless "kidnapped" me, I realized what you truly meant to me. I wanted to be with you. I was so scared when you and Toothless fought against the Red Death. I though you had died. I don't know what I would do if you were actually gone. Hiccup, you're my everything and I don't wanna be with anyone else then you," Astrid said and slowly walked towards him. She placed her hands on his shoulders.

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