♥Chapter Sixteen♥

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dedication goes to @Number133224 weird username but must have some type of back story like this one↓↓


Monique Brown


You all are probably wondering why I flipped out so bad. I mean at first I was a little upset about her faking the pregnancy, but then she brought my mother into this in I blacked out.

Well you see I was never supposed to be here, I was just one of the few lucky babies to survive abortions, my mother never wanted me...

She said it herself.

But sometimes I managed to get through the day. I can't fully say I understand how kids with no parents feel, but its pretty damn close when your mother is here and showing no love. If she didn't want me to be a burden on her life...

Why didn't she give me up for adoption?

When I was here by myself had no love from no one, I was seriously alone. You can live in a house with someone and brush pass them every day with out acknowledging them. It hurts to know the one that bared you, the one thats supposed to love you unconditionally thinks nothing of you more the an picture of a grain of dirt on the bottom of their shoe.

I can't say that I feel sorry for Desiree because I whooped her ass, she deserved it. Its still bothers me that Chres was catering too her when he pulled me off of the bitch, but I would have wanted him to do the same thing.

But when he slammed me into the wall its like everything I cherished with him just went away, but it didn't I still have feelings for him. I can't say that he feels the same way because he still hasn't come to apologize, maybe I'm the one that needs to apologize for the way I acted.

I got off the couch, wiping my eyes that were blood shot red and full of tears. I needed him here with me, for comfort, his comforting words, and comfortable body puts my tense body at ease. So I started for the door, it was raining outside and I could care less, his house was three houses down.


Chresanto August


I know Mo thinks I'm an ass for not coming to her. Its been four days,  this is the longest we've went without each other since I've been back. I needed her here with me, to make me comfortable, to make feel like I'm her hero.

"honey I need to talk to you" my momma said

"ma'am?" I questioned

"I need to talk to you about Mo"

"ma I know what you-"

"where is she?"

"she's home'

"Chresanto I know what happened, don't ask... a mother knows but its okay you gonna have to make up with her, if any means necessary. At that hospital I thought I was gonna die, my death wish was that you get on the right track, and not forget where you came from, so when I recovered and y'all came to the hospital, it was as if you being happy gave me life, health and strength. Chres all I'm trying to say is, that's the girl you belong with" My momma said, I listened to every word she said.

Mother knows best.

"now go get your girl. I'll call you in a bit, I'm about to go play bingo with the girls." she hugged me and left. I grabbed my cover and started for the door, there stood Monique, drenched in water.

"Mo, why would you walking the rain?'

"I needed to clear my mind" she sniffed.

" you could catch a cold" I picked her up bridal style and sat her on my bed.

"put these on" I said

"no Chresanto you dont have to do this, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being an burden to you, if you dont love me its okay. I just --- never mind" she started walking towards the door. But I grabbed her arm and held her close to my chest.

"Monique I love you, and nothing will ever change the fact that I do. You were there since forever and there when I always needed you, if anything I felt as if I was a burden on you. You catered to me and made me feel special... That's why I love you.... and always will" tears started coming out our eyes. I kissed her deeply.  Then hugged her, holding her closer to me.

"now go get in the shower before you catch a cold" I whispered in her ear before letting her go.

When she got out the shower,  she snuggled next to me.

"I love you" she sniffed laying her head on my chest.

"i love you more" I grabbed her hand and place the ring on her finger, and she smiled.  I interlocked out finger and soon I drifted to sleep.

I feel completed with her.


so how yall feeling about this, its nice to know people are reading it really makes me happy, so comment for dedication. If  you want me to read a story inbox me. if I have enough votes and comments on this chapter I might just update today again,  who knows?

~yours truly Diamond

RIP Freddy E.

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