♥Chapter Fourteen♥

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fuck it I needed to write this chapter foreal foreal. And did you know that roc looks even more sexilicious up close. he called me beautiful. :-)


Monique Brown


We get out the hospital today, well I was supposed to leave a three days ago but I wasn't about to leave my baby boy in the hospital himself.

" baby?" I said walking his room bringing him his breakfast with my one arm, for a broken it sure is healing fast.

"hey baby?" he said leaning up tongue kissing me.

"you need to stop with your crippled self" I said pulling away.

"love you too" he mumbled.

"aww baby, I'm sorry" I said kissing his neck, jaw line, the plump pink lips.

"fuck" he groaned. I smiled and got up. I got his orange juice and sat back down.

"can you feed me?" he asked.

"the fuck?"

"please?" get said using his sexier voice, grabbing my hand.

" fine" I grabbed the of cereal and started feeding him. Once he was done the doctor walked in the room.

"Mr.August? " Chres and I released from the kiss. The doctor looked at us and I blushed. 

"not to ruin the momment or anything but Chresanto due to the fact that you have a broken arm and fractured ankle,  you will be in a wheelchair." the doctor said and Chres shrugged laying on my breast.

"anything else doc?" I said. He shook his head and excused himself out the room. 

"now to finish where we left off" Chres said attempting to kiss me but I swerved him.

"nope, you gotta get out of here" I got out of the bed.

When he was ready I pushed him out into the hallway, where he was gonna get passed to Don, one of the security guards, to push him to the SUV. 

its was screaming girls all out side the hospital. I stood close Manny, another security guard, as girls were trying to grab me. We had finally made it to the SUV.

"damn" I mumbled.

"what can I say... chicks dig me" he said all cocky .

"fuck you" I smiled

"when?" he smirked laying his head on my lap.

I kissed his lips " I love you" I whispered between the kiss

"but I love you more" he said before drifting to sleep, I forgot that the doctor had gave him some medicine before we left.

The security guards carried him into the house and laid him in the down stairs bed of his house. I told them thank you and they headed out.

I crawled into the bed with Chresanto. I I felt him wrapped his good arm my waist.

He kissed my forehead " I really love you Mo.... your the best...." his sexy voice said in my ear.

" I love you even more" I said, even though he was asleep.

I love him with all my heart, and he has shown me more love than my mother ever as but is it safe to say

I'm in love with him?



Westside bitches mother fucking bitches. lol my best friend said that when we went out of town... no offense she's just crazy we were in the 7th grade, didn't sound right. lol back in the olden days.

so enough about me, how's the story? I just love their relationship... Its cute. But is it safe to say she's in love with him?

you know the deal vote and comment. and best comment gets dedication.  and check out my book Runaway ft. Mindless Behavior.

thanks for reading.  I love interacting with my readers solo inbox me whenever

~yours truly Diamond

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