♥Chapter Ten♥

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Monique Brown


Did he really just say he loved me?

I couldn't process the correct term for how I was feeling. 

"I- uhh"

"do you feel the same way?" he asked sitting by me.

"I umm"

"so you don't feel the same?"

"Chres I just-"

"its okay I just thought that you felt the same way but you didn't-"


Chresanto August


I felt defeated. I expressed my love for her and she reject me.

"its okay I just thought that you felt the same way but you didn't-" she placed her soft pink lips on mine.

And sensation filled my body as our lips moved in sync. Then she pulled away looking in my eyes.

"I love you Chresanto" she smiled.

"I love you too Mo"

We finished dinner and it was really relaxing. And wasn't awkward.

Well when ever we do something it is never awkward.

We took separate showers and went to sleep in her bed and I put my arms around her waist. Then a thought came across my mind.

How am I gonna tell Desiree?

*next day*

I woke up to Monique with no shirt.

"oh my gosh Chres" she screamed covering up with the shirt. I chuckled.

I looked at her "close your eyes." she said turning around"

"why?" I asked grinning

"next time you wanna wake up warn me" she joked

I got outta bed and walked towards her.

"you still don't have on a shirt" I smirked, surrounding her

"Chres move outta the way, let me put on a shirt", she wined.

"uhhh, no"

I started kissing her.

"let me put on this shirt"

"its gonna be off anyways" I mumbled.

she crossed the shirt over her chest

"oh really? "

"yep" I picked her up

"put me down"

I laid her on the bed

"finally" she moaned as I trailed kisses on her.


Monique Brown


"oh my gosh Chresanto" he mocked me.

I had been waiting for that moment all that time. And I finally had it.

"shut up" I hit his chest

He pulled me onto his lap

"when are we gonna tell our parents its official?" he asked

"when you break the news to that bi-"

ding dong

The door bell rung and Chres opened the door for Desiree.

" hey bae" she said leaning in to kiss him but he dodged it.

"don't try to front because yo little friend is here." she spat

"well desiree, I've been thinking..."


"I think its best if we break up"

She heitated for a moment then bust out laughing" your kidding right?"

Chres kept a straight look on his face and her laughter stopped.

"oh so your serious?"

He nodded.

"well yeah funny thing... I'm pregnant

the fuck did this hoe just say?


hey my wonderful readers. 

what did you think? I thought it was a little crapy because I didn't wanna pile everything up in one chapter.

yeah but I have this feeling that you guys aren't reading my book any more and it makes me kinda sad....

comment to show some love and I'll give ya a dedication. and I'm not fronting.  first good comment gets a dedication for next chapter.

and too the people who aren't silent readers; My Best Friend has made it pass 3k  thankz you guys more chapters to come..

annnndddd 1

-Freddy E.

~yours truly Diamond

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