♥Chapter Four♥

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Monique Brown


I don't like Desiree. Point.  Blank.  Period.

Lets just get that out the way.

She goes on and on about how Chres is and I'm sitting here like...

-_- bitch.... I know that.

"and did you know that Chres birth day is July 23rd? "

bitch duhh.

" and did you know that he has two middle names? "

bitch naw

"okay enough about Chresanto" I put on a fake smile.

"uh y'all wanna play a game?"

"yeah" Chresanto smiled

I hopped up and put Super Mario Bros in the Wii and handed them remotes.

I sat on the edge of the couch criss cross.

We got pass multiple levels but Desiree kept dying, and eventually she quit.

She kept cutting her eyes at me, and I kept a smile on my face.

"I can tell you two are best friends, you dress alike" me and Chres bust out laughing.  He had on a t-shirt and gym shorts and so did I.  She rolled her eyes.

I looked at the clock and it read 11:26.

"uh chres we gotta go, I can't be late for my hair apointment" she said patting her weave.

I snickered. 

" what's so funny?" she spat.

"well let me see; your face, your attitude, your- shall I continue?" I smirked.

"Chres get your little friend"

"Mo, whats wrong?" chres asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

I brushed him of " what's wrong with me?" he nodded

"what's wrong with me is you brought some girl to my house who I don't know and you expect me to bond with her.  Chres I'm not as social as you"

"I thought you said you were okay with it"

"come on Chres get real you actually thought I was okay with it. This was suppose to be our day like you promised. But instead you bring this fake bitch in my house.  I'm your best friend Chres"

"so your just gonna let her disrespect me like that Chresanto?"

He smacked his teeth "go wait in car Desiree"

" but chres-"

"go!" he screamed.

She scurried to the door. 

Chres turned to me.

"what's the real problem? "

"what chu mean" I asked

"you know exactly what mean"

I crossed my arms over my chest"I don't like her"  I admitted.

"and why?"

" she was sitting there telling me stuff about you. she was challenging my intelligence, comparing me to you.  she fake, she don't know how to play mario-" I looked around " shall I continue? " we both laughed.

"what do you see in her?" I asked sitting next to him.

he shrugged "I guess I love her" I squinted my eyes. 

And then sighed.  " I guess if you like her I'll give her a try"

He smiled and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear " this is why your my best friend"

We both smiled. And I pulled away.

"well I guess you should get miss desiroach - I mean Desiree to her hair appointment. "

He laughed" you aint slick. Maybe clever but you ain't slick" he grinned.

"tell you what"

I raised my eye brows

"how bout you and me can have our day tomorrow say around 12?"

"no bitches- I mean girlfriends?"

"no extra people" he smiled

"promise? "

"I promise?" he said grabbing my hands. squinted my eyes at him and he laughed.

"I'll believe you tomorrow. "

He started heading for the door. And I followed him.

He kissed my cheek then left.

" see you tomorrow Mo" he called after me.

"we'll see" I giggled

well I guess tomorrow will be better...

I hope.


feelings on Desiree



Chres and Desiree relationship?

Chres and Monique relationship?

story in general.

~yours truly Diamond

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