♥Chapter Seven♥

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Monique Brown




We have to go to back to school. Its amazing how all that stuff in 5 days.

I put on a white v-neck, black jeggings and my Oreo 5's I got yesterday when me and Loni went shopping.

"bye mom!" I screamed

No answer. I shrugged it off because she was probably sleep. She's been so busy with work she barely pays attention to me. I could fuck, be pregnant, have birth, and she won't even know, or probably care.

I pulled up to the parking lot and seen Desiree and Chres kissing. Then she walked away.

fuck... my.... life...

That bitch goes to my school now.

Loni pulled me by her and Chresanto.

"hey Mo" Chres said

"I think I'll go" Loni said slowly backing up, leaving me and Chres.

"hey Chres" I replied.

"look, I'm sorry bout what happened-"

"no no it's okay, man I forgot all about that"

He smiled "good,-"

"I gotta go to the bathroom,  and my locker and classroom I'll talk to you in the hallway. " I interrupted

I need to get out of that situation fast. I ran all the way to the bathroom making sure not to scuff my shoes.

I finally got around the hall and stopped at the corner, I heard talking and it sounded like


"hey baby" she said

"hey bae" they replied.

And it was not Chresanto.

"dezzi when are you gonna break up with that fucked up name nigga"

She laughed "you mean Chresanto"

"yeah him"

"soon as I get a baby"

"a baby?!" they screamed

"yeah, I figured that's how I can keep that money coming bae"

"true, but a baby?"

"don't worry, I got this"

They kissed and I ran to the bathroom, into a stall.

I did what I had to do and ran to the classroom not carrying if I was late. I grabbed Chres out the classroom.

"what the heck, Mo?"

"why did you leave" I asked

"uh" he rubbed his neck "Desiree needed me-"

"you know what Lorenzo, you so fucked up, I'm yo freaking best friend and you leave me for that bitch that's cheating on you?!" I screamed out of breath. I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arms and pushed me up against the locker.

"get off of me" I whined. I was so freaking frustrated. He is not how he use to be.

"what did you say?" he breathed in my face. I know I'm supposed to be mad but breath was smelling like cotton candy. 

"nothing" I said frustrated, and I was squirming. He held me tighter.

"tell me what you said?" he gripped me tighter.

"stop chres your hurting me, stop-"

"is everything alright?" the principal asked walking down the hall and Chres let me go. I cut me eyes at Chresanto.

"yes" I answered. and stormed off

I was beyond pissed.

I went to the class and Chres came in after me.

"Ms. Brown is there a reason why your late?" Mrs.Collins asked

"locker problems" I spat

"Mr. August?"

"uh she wanted me to help her"

The teacher looked at me suspicious, then my phone vibrated.

Loni :why was you late.

Mo :Chresanto is an ass that's why

Loni :what the fly fuck does that have to do with anything? -_-

I explained to her what happened and she couldn't believe it either.

School was finally over. And I was pissed by every little thing.

I got a call from Mrs. August, that's Chresanto's mother. She called me over.

I pulled up into her drive way and thank the Lord that Chresanto wasn't there.

"hey Mrs. August"

"hey sweetie"

"not to be rude but why did you call me over? "

"I need to talk to you about Chres. " I rolled my eyes.

" me and Chres aren't on a good status right now. well you see I over heard his girlfriend and another boy talking to each other, and she was like she was is just using him. I tried to tell him but he didn't wanna believe me-"

"honey excuse my language but I don't like that bitch she come in my house insulting my food." Mrs. August laughed. 

"yeah, I know right"

"and I done told him about bringing those trashy girls into my house..." she went into the kitchen " I'll rather him be with someone classy... like you"

"yeah... wait what?"

"yeah I've always thought y'all would be a cute couple, because your 10 times prettier, respectful, and well trained than -excuse my language- but than those slut looking girl that he brings into my house."

I kinda was happy but I was mad at the same time.

"and besides he use to have a little crush on you anyway" she nudged me. And I blushed.

"really?" I asked

"ohhh yes I remember the days when he use to go home and use to always say oh ma its this girl I like or he use to say ma you know that girl she picked me to be her partner or ma that girl name is Monique and she is my best friend. or you know what ma ima make that girl my wife one day, and I use to be so happy"

"aww...and to be honest Mrs. August,  I felt the same way. I use to have the biggest crush on him, and he was my best friend.-"

I was actually happy until Chres walked in...

with Desiree.

"hey ma-" he looked at me. And rubbed his  neck.

"uhh hey Mo"

"umm bye Mrs. August, I'll uhh call you later"

I grabbed my stuff "hi Mrs. August" Desiree said

"hey Denise" Mrs.August said. I snickered. Desiree cut her eyes at me and couldn't help but crack up.

I hugged Mrs.August and brushed pass Chresanto, and I could feel his eyes on me as I left.

I was mad but I was happy I just couldn't believe

all this time he felt the same way.


next chapter will be all in Chresanto's POV.

sup Denise.  ooo. smh smh.

how you feeling bout every thing that happened. 

My Best Friend (Roc Royal) (Discontinued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя