♥Chapter Thirteen♥

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deidcation goes to @CreepyMe__


Monique Brown


I opened my eyes to a blinding light.

"am I dead? " I sighed looking around my location. I couldn't help but think that I was dead.

"no sweetie your not" the nurse said.

wait... nurse?

"why am I in the hospital, what happened? "I asked anxiously.

"you had a mild concussion from the impact, if you hadnt put on your seat belt, you would be here sweetie, just a broken arm for you"  he stated.

"but you friend on the other hand was injured worst, he has broken arm and fractured ankle, and is in a coma, if he wakes up he'll be in a wheelch-"

"what do you mean if he wakes up?" I asked sitting up.

I felt a sharp pain in my back, and I laid back down.

"its a seventy-five percent chance that he might wake-"

"okay" I sighed "I don't like to think like that."

"alright sweetie, get some rest"

I slowly nodded.

what about mrs. August?

"mrs. Nurse lady?"

she laughed "its Miss. Honey"

"okay Miss Honey, when the ambulance came, was there another passenger in the car?"

her face softened.  " yes"

"what is her condition?"

"you know how I said that there's a thirty-five percent chance that your friend will wake up?... well seventy-five percent chance that she will not wake up.

I gasped " seventy-five percent? "

"I'm sorry, but were doing everything we can to try to wake her up"

I mumble things to myself.

"only the good Lord can choose that" she softly smiled at me.

Mrs. August was like my mom. She was more of a motherly figure to me than my biological mom. Before my auntie passed, my auntie was my motherly figure in my life. 

And when she passed, I guess it was destined for me to meet the August family.

I rose out of the bed ignoring the hurt sensation in my body.

I had to see Chresanto, if he knows the news about his mom he'll go crazy.

I slowly crept down the vaccant halls of the hospital.

216, 218, 220.

I opened the door, not ready to see the condition he is in. 

I went around the corner, and there he was....

watching T.V.

"Chres?"  I asked smiling.

his face lit up, and I limped towards him. When I finally aproached the bed, we engulfed each other in a hug.

"oww" we said simultaneously.

"how you feeling? " I asked him

"I could be better, how about you?" I laid my head on his shoulder. 

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