Minho sighed and laid on the couch. Key was nervous as the new nanny came.

She smiled at Key. "Hello, I promise the babies will be perfectly fine with me. I love kids. May I see them?"

Key nodded and took her to Jonghyun's and his room. The babies were in their crib still sleeping.

"Oh, they are the cutest babies ever." She smiled, being quiet. "You both are great people to keep them." The nanny said.

Key smiled.

She smiled back. "Now you just need to rest and I'll take care of them. Is there a certain time you feed them or how much?"

"I feed them when they start fussing. I'll feed them as much as they want. They're pretty small." Key said.

The nanny nodded. "Okay," She smiled at the girls. "I'll take good care of them. They are so cute."

Key smiled. The girls started crying. "I'll show you where we keep the formula and bottles."

The nanny nodded. She carefully held the babies and followed Key.

Key made the bottles showing Jae Young where everything was. He fed one baby while she fed the other.

Jae Young smiled. "You're a great mother."

Key shook his head. "I'm not."

"Oh, yes you are. You love these babies so much and you take great care of them." Jae Young smiled. "For a boy, you make a wonderful mom."

Key smiled. "Thanks,"

"No need to thank me. It's the truth. Not many guys will know how to care for babies, but you do an amazing job."

Key smiled. Jae Young hung out with Key as Key told her information. Key went to bed when he felt she knew what she needed to know.

Minho went into the kitchen.

Jae Young cradled the girls. "Oh, hello, I'm Jae Young."

Minho smiled. "Hi, I'm Minho."

"Hi, why aren't you at school?"

"I'm sick."Minho said.

"Oh, okay, well, I hope you feel better soon." Jae Young smiled. "I'm going to put the girls to sleep." She left.

Minho started looking for something to eat.

Jae Young came back and smiled. "Are you hungry?"

Minho nodded.

Jae Young smiled. "I'll make you and Key lunch." She started to cook.

Minho sat down and laid his head on the table. Onew came in with Ae. "Hi, I'm Onew."

"Hi, I'm Jae Young, Key's nanny. Oh, who is this little cutie?" She asked, playing with Ae's fingers.

Ae smiled and held her finger.

"Her name is Ae. She has a doctor appointment today so I'm going soon." Onew said.

"Well you're a little cutie. Have fun." Jae Young cooed.

Onew smiled. He made a few bottles and put them in his diaper bag. Jae Young smiled and finished the food. She woke up Key and had the boys eat. Key ate tiredly.

Jae Young smiled. "Eat then go back to sleep, both of you need rest."

Minho nodded. Jae Young helped feed Key and laid him back down once he was done. Key fell right back to sleep. Jae Young smiled and went to Minho.

Minho was sleeping at the table. Jae Young smiled and carried him to his bedroom. She tucked them in and checked on the babies.

Key woke up a few hours later, feeling refreshed. Jae Young was feeding the babies and playing with them.
Key smiled and started playing with them.

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