Sasuke sighed and suddenly saw a little chibi Sakura beside his pillow. Oh shit! The doll!

He quickly sprinted past the busy Bara and dived for the doll.

"What's wrong Sasuke-kun?" she asked, looking up from Sasuke's collection of photos.

"Uh, nothing. I just-"


"Ahhhh!" Bara screeched as Shadow went on top of her and licked her face.

"Get off!" she screamed and kicked the dog in the abdomen.

"Shadow!" Sasuke shouted at his whimpering dog. He quickly stuffed the doll under his pillow and went to his dog. He couldn't believe she kicked his dog!

"What the heck is that thing!"

"It's a dog....and he's my pet. I would prefer it if you call it Shadow and not a thing." Sasuke said steely.

"Ugh..." Bara cried out and furrowed her eyebrows as she wiped off the saliva from her face.

"He didn't mean it."

And he probably won't ever go anywhere near you again, since you kicked him!

"Well I just hope he would leave some distance in the future." Bara said glumly.

"In the future?" Sasuke echoed.

"Yeah, when we get married and start a new family." She replied dreamily.

The idea sickened him. Starting a family and etcetera etcetera.

"I'm sorry about this; dogs just don't mix well with me. I like them from a distance but I can't stand them up close. Plus I never knew you had a dog." Bara apologized.

This sucks shit...first I broke up with Sakura, than my stupid dad forced me to date this girl who can't stand my dog and kicks him! Why can't she be braver...I hate girly girls...I hate my life...

Sasuke didn't reply and gently rubbed Shadow's abdomen.

"Well I better get going and dress up! The party is only a few hours away!" Bara chirped, trying to act cheerfully. Then she sped out and went into her room.

Oh no...what have I done! I made Sasuke-kun mad...I should be braver and not kick his dog...I am so stupid! I hope I can cheer him up later...I have to make up to him some how...this is going to be harder than I thought...

Bara felt like crying, she thought everything was going to be perfect when her dad told her that Sasuke wanted her to be his fiancé. Something is affecting him and she knows it, and she's going to find out what that is if it's the last thing she does. Then she'll achieve true happiness with Sasuke...maybe?

Kakashi quietly observed the graduates behind his all time favourite book. Everything was just perfect except for two people. He was surprised to find Sakura coming into the gymnasium with Lee and felt as if the picture was wrong. As for Sasuke and Bara, well he already knows the news and expected them to come in as a pair.

Just by looking at his students or should I say, former students since they are about to graduate, he could tell that Sasuke and Sakura would not happy. Of course, he was not the only one who knew this. Anyone could tell just by looking at them, well at least on Sasuke's account. But one, who have not have known Sakura have to look harder to see past that fake, happy expression plastered on her face.

Shuffling his book away, he walked up to Sasuke who was with Neji and Naruto. Hinata was introducing herself to Bara since she felt sorry for her for not knowing anyone in the gym. Even though she was the reason why Sakura was hurt, Hinata felt that it isn't really fair to judge her as the enemy because of that reason.

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