Chapter 26: Twisted Begining

Start from the beginning

"I..." Fugaku, yet again corrected himself and was becoming angrier too proceeded, "shall just have to explain everything to you then."

Sakura didn't know what to say so she let him go on.

"I am very concerned about Sasuke's well being and the company's well being. And I would like to make a deal with you; I'll pay you one million dollars if you break up with Sasuke." He offered.

Inner Sakura: So this is what all this is about huh! That old man doesn't even care about Sasuke, well being my ass! There's no way I'll break up with Sasuke just for the sake of money!

"I'm sorry but-"

"I can raise up to a billion." He interrupted.

Inner Sakura: Shut up old man! Grr...I knew I need to face with this situation sooner or later...I bet I'm the reason why he looked so angry at that business banquet.

"NO! If you think money is going to make me break up with Sasuke then you're wrong!" She said angrily.

Jin, Milly, and all the servants were all looking at Sakura with admiration and sadness. Even the young female servants that hated her for getting Sasuke looked at her with awe and silently cheering her on. Despite the fact that Sasuke was taken they could always wish for his happiness.

Mikoto looked at Sakura warmly then looked at Fugaku with anger. She had tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen. She planned to divorce someday, but love isn't easy to throw away. With all his flaws, she still loved him. Right now though, whether or not she loved him she was angry at him.

"I'll make it three billion then!" Fugaku snapped.

"I said I don't want to!" Sakura shouted.

Fugaku's black orbs turned to slits and said in a thin icy voice, "Fine, if you don't want to accept I have no choice then. I'll just have to force you! I'll make your fami-"

"No you can't!" Mikoto shouted and stood up. "If you're going to do anything to the girl you'll be sorry!"


Why did he fall in love with such a troublesome wife?

"I knew it would come to this...Jin go call her!" he ordered.

Jin nodded glumly and went away.

Inner Sakura: What the hell is going on!

A few moments later, Jin came in followed by a very, very, VERY beautiful girl that looked as though she was around Sakura's age.

She had long black hair like the Uchiha's and her eyes had the most magnificent dark glow to it. Her skin was slightly tanned and she was a little bit taller than Sakura. She was wearing a blue cami, purple skirts and cowboy boots.

The girl looked curiously over to Sakura but kept her mouth shut and walked over to Fugaku.

"YOU ACCEPTED!" Mikoto shrieked.

"Fugaku, this is unreasonable." Kakashi said for the first time that morning.

Fugaku ignored them and smirked. Kakashi looked sadly over to Sakura and clenched his jaws, there was nothing he can do now.

"Sakura, I would like you to meet Fuyu Bara. Sasuke's new fiancé."

(Fuyu Bara means Winter Rose)

Inner Sakura: FIANCE!

Everyone except for the Uchihas, Kakashiand Bara gasped. Bara just smiled and bowed.

"Sakura?" a voice came from the doorway. They all looked over and saw Sasuke by the door.

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