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I slammed my door and ran over to see wtf happened.

"Jay!" Craig yelled at me with Roc in his arms.

I just stood there with my fist balled up over my mouth.

"Y'all help them in the car and take them to the hospital." I told them before I grabbed my gun out the side of my door.

I got questions.

And I'ma need

•. •. •.


I looked through the rear view mirror watching Ray hold on to them. I was going as fast as I could.

When we made it to the emergency room we both yelled for some help. I held up DayDay while Ray had Roc.

Nurses quickly ran up to us with stretchers and shit. Putting needles in them and rushing them to the infirmary.

Ray and I followed them till two nurses stopped us, saying we can't go back there.

"I'm sorry it's the rules."

"Fuck you we worried bout our niggas in there." Ray yelled at one of the nurses.

I pulled him back trying to calm him down. That wasn't working though.

"Ray calm down ight. It's gonna be fine."

We sat and waited for awhile. People stared looking at our clothes covered in blood. This one lady held tightly to her purse. Like I want that shit.


I went asking all around this neighborhood asking an ass load of questions. Of course niggas would claim they ain't seen nothing. How the fuck you don't see two niggas just lasting in the road.

I walked what looked like the last block of this neighborhood. I saw Jessie ass and he know everything bout any and everybody.

I yelled his name and he squinted with a 40 in his hand. I walked closer to him and his whole face went blank.

"Jessie let me holler at you for a second."

"Uh Jay how you doing on this fine evening?"

"Not to good. you see two of my boys got shot a couple blocks from here and you know everything that goes around here." I said pulling out a bag.

"You wouldn't happen to know anything, would you." I said holding the crack in my hand

He swallowed saying,"Um I saw a gang of um Niggas pull up in a van right."

I shook my head.

"And they was like, get out the fucking car. I was like they bout to jack some motherfuckers." He laughed before taking a sip of his 40.

"They argued for a while then niggas started shooting. So I took off running."

"What kind of car was jacked?" I asked him

Jessie stood for a minute. He thought real hard with his hand out. I know his ass don't think I'm a give him some white. Hell No. At least not till he answer the damn question.

I pulled up my shirt so he could see why he should remember fast.

"Um uh It was a black car."

Wow he don't know the damn brand. I shook my head well that's all I need to know.

"I appreciate that." I said putting the bag in his hand.

"Oh shit. Thank you man." Jessie grinned kissing the bag.

I took out my phone and dialed Craig's number. He picked up right after the first ring.

"What you found out?"

"They got Jacked."

"Wtf. By who?"

"Shit I don't know, but that car had my money and Donte's product in there." I said pissed off.

"I'm not worried bout that right now. You coming to the hospital?"

"Yea. I just need to get a ride."


Damn. I don't know what I'ma tell Donte. I already owe his ass. Me selling his product was suppose to be getting rid of my debt.


Doctor- uh we've informed the patiences parents. They should be on there way.

Prince- Damn (whispering) Well alright thanks.

Doctor- (walks away)

Ray- Man how the hell we gonna explain this shit to them.

Prince- I don't know.

*Roc and DayDay's moms walk in*

The two of them walked over to us in the waiting area. They looked like they didn't have a clue what was going on just that they got a call down here for Roc and Day.

"Craig. What's going on?" Day's mom asked while she sat down next to him.

Prod didn't know what to say. He just looked at me and Ray.

"Uh,well um you see..Chres and Day got jacked." He let come out.

"Oh my goodness. Are they alright?" Roc's mama said with her hand over her chest.

"We don't know yet." Prod said turning towards me.

"They got shot." Ray said with his eyes completely to the floor.

Both of their moms broke out crying but Ms August wasn't as bad as Day's mom. I know she couldn't deal. I heard what happened to her other son Jamar.

We waited for hours. Doctors were still working on both of them. Roc's dad showed up about 2 hours after his mom. He'd come from his Construction job. He took his hard hat off and hugged his wife.

"What's the problem?" He asked her holding her in his arms.

"Baby Chres and Day got shot today." She struggled.

He stared at me like I was the problem. Like I'm the cause of this. He let go of Roc's mom and walked towards me.

"Jacob. What the hell you've gotten my son into?!" He yelled before picking me up by my shirt.

"Aye look I don't got nothing to do with this. I'm here cause I fucking care! That's my bros in there."

"Jacob Anthony Perez?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned my head still in this man's grip. It was my ma. I forgot she works here. She walked up to us concerned

"Oh Hey ma." I said getting out Mr Aug's hold.

"Why are you and Ray here? And Ray why is your shirt all bloody?"

"Excuse me Theresa but Chres and Day are shot up." Mr August said.

"My god. What room are they in?" My mama said pulling out her clipboard.

"We don't know. They won't let us back there. I guess their still trying to do stuff." Prod said.

"I'll be back." She said before walking away.

That's one thing our mom doesn't know bout Ray and Me. She has no clue about what we do for a living. She's too busy working all the time. When we were younger we stayed mostly with our Grandma. But she found out we were selling in her house when I was in middle school so she kicked us out. She never told ma' though.


Moms came back about 30minutes later. She had a doctor with her. He was about 5'11 alittle muscular.light skinned. She had her arm around his though. Let me find out he messing with my moms.

Theresa- (let's go of the doctor's arm) This is Doctor Gonzales.

DocG.- um Family for Chresanto August.

Roc'sMom- That's all of us.

DG- ok. He's been in surgery. We got the bullets out the side of his neck and stomach. And he has a broken arm.

RM- can we see him?

DG- ahh yes but he still hasn't woken up. We gave him something so he should be up in a hour or so.

Roc's Dad- What room is he in?

DG- (looks at clipboard) 305.

RD- come on baby. (Grabs Roc's mom's arm and walks away)

DayDay's Mom- And what about my son doctor.

DG- I'm sorry ma'am. Your his mother

DM- Yes.

DG- um were still trying to bring him back. He's has the symptoms of a coma patience.

DM- (hands over her mouth)

Theresa- (holds her) everything's gonna be fine.

DM- (silently crying)


Chapter 20

Picture of Doctor Gonzales in the chapters bio.


"Who you thinks responsible for Roc and DayDay getting jacked & shot?"


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