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Me and Jawan heard what happened to Lance. He wasn't part of no gang but that was my 1st cousin. I was going to check up on him since he's back from the hospital. Jawan was doing his own thing since I gave everybody a day off.

I rang the doorbell and Joan, Lance's mama opened the door and let me in.

Joan- Hey baby (kisses Jaden's cheek) He's in his room.

Jaden- Ight. (Goes upstairs)(opens his room door) What up fool?

Lance- (playing 2k14 and looks up) Oh shit Jay. (Puts the controller down)

Jaden- (daps him and sits down) So what's been up with you?

Lance- The Fuck you mean. (Laughs) I got shot.

Jaden- (laughs) What the hell happened?

Lance- I don't even know. I was talking to one of my bros. once he left two other niggas roll up on me. Asking bout YN, saying I fucked her.

Jaden- (listening) did you?

Lance- Nah man. At least I don't remember she wasn't even there when I woke up later that morning.

Jaden- I'll find out. (Goes in his bathroom) Ay keep a eye on YN and Roc place. (hangs up the phone)

Lance- Nigga it's spray under the sink

Jaden- Nah I had to make a call. But we gonna find them niggas that did this to you.


I stayed over Lance crib for a couple hours. Joan called us downstairs for dinner and we was just eating while she brought up Memories.

She had me rolling when she brought up how Lance put Free My Nigga Jay in paint on the walls just cause I was on punishment and couldn't go nowhere.

"I whooped his ass that day." She said laughing

"That was years ago I don't know why I even did that. Like everybody would see that." Lance said with a straight face.

I made it home about 9. I placed my phone on my dresser and went into my bathroom so I could take a shower. When I got dressed and I grabbed my phone and fell back on my king size bed. 

Jawan had left me message.


uhh. Jay call me back when you get this message. I got some news.


I sat myself up and dialed him back. Wonder what he got. 

Jawan-  Jay, I got this feeling that Chres had something to do with Lance getting shot.

 I was thinking that too. Like from what Lance told me; everything he heard, everything he was asked the reason he might've gotten shot was because of Yn. I'm a have to chat with her. 

After I hung up with Jawan, I looked up at the ceiling. My moms came in after she knocked letting me know she's home from work. 

"Jaden, you doing alright?" she said sitting on my bed. 

" Yea ma' . I'm just thinking bout Lance." 

after sighing she rubbed my head,"Jay please don't take matters in your own hands.You bout to graduate and I don't want you doing no stupid shit."

"Ight ma"

"Goodnight then." she said before closing my door.




After the day I found out Chres had something to do with Lance situation it had grudge on me. Like I'm not the one who pulled the trigger but still I feel like I have something to do with it. We only got 2 more weeks in school. Lance comes back today so it's gonna be awkard if I see him. 

Good kid, M.a.a.d city : Mindless Behavior StoryWhere stories live. Discover now