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I was in Mr. Roger's class and we weren't really doing nothing today because we wasn't feeling good, so everybody had their phones out. We needed something else to do though. We got some niggas to move some desks together so we could play dominoes and craps sense i had my dad's.


Prod- Surprisingly Roger's class wasn't boring as hell today.

You- Shutup. (laughs) We really ain't gonna be doing anything we bout to graudate.

Prince- True.

Deandra- (bumps into Roc and drops her books) I'm so sorry Chres. (bends down in her skirt)

Roc- (looking) It's Ight Dee. (helps her)

You- (rolls your eyes)

Prince- ugh, come on y'all. (pulls you)


Deandra- Thanks. (takes her stuff) I love your new haircut. (feels it)

Roc- Thanks ma. (kisses her hand) you got this lunch period?

Deandra- Yea.

Roc- Walk you? (holds him hand out)

Deandra- (smiles) Sure.


You- (sits at Prince's table) Why am I over here? (playing with your food)

Ray- Cause we love you.

You- (rolls your eyes)

Prince- We trying to get Roc laid.

You- (chokes on your gatorade) and I'll ask again Why am I over here?

Prince- ew, not with you (laughs)

You- (punches his arm)

Prince- He really likes this girl and he wanna fuck her. But don't know the first move so we trying to help him.

Ray- It's Deandra.


Ray- (snaps his fingers) YN.

You- oh. She should be easy everybody went there with her. (laughs)

Roc- (sits down) Hey y'all. Dee's sitting with us today.

Deandra- (sits down) Hey Girl.

Ray- (kicks you)

You- Hi. (fake smiles)

Deandra- Girl. I hope you ready for prom.

You- yea.

Deandra- hopefully someone will ask you.

You- Bitch Excuse me?

Roc- um. So uh Ray what we doing today.

Ray- man idk. (laughs) Prince?

Prince- The same thing I did yesterday. Not a damn thing.


Good kid, M.a.a.d city : Mindless Behavior StoryWhere stories live. Discover now