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:: YN ::

It's been about two weeks since prom night. I've been avoiding Lance the whole time.

I had my headphones in my ear listening to Nobody Knows by August Alsina. I put all the books I had in my hand and closed my locker.

I screamed and dropped my phone when I saw him leaning against the lockers beside me. He laughed and handed it to me.

"What's been up with you lately?" He said pulling me into a hug.

"Nothing much. How bout you Lance?" I said pulling away.

He said he been texting me and calling me. I knew that, I just couldn't deal with him after he did what he did. My heart was racing I just wanted to go home.

I sped walked to the student parking lot and called Cameron. Lance is still behind me talking to me. I didn't see her car or anything.

"Cam where you at? I'm in the parking lot." I asked her stopping.

"I thought I told Kali to tell you my car needed to be serviced today. She was suppose to ask her mom to take y'all."

I could here the sounds of the mechanics in the background working on cars. I would hate to ride with Lance.

"Can you ride with somebody? Lance, maybe."

"No I'll just catch a cab."

"Girl you know damn well them shits don't come to our neighborhood." She said laughing.

"Shutup I'll figure something out." I hung up.

I was gonna call my mama but she's basically an hour an a half away from here on her job.

Lance- YN if you need a ride I'll take you home.

You- no thanks. *texting*

Lance- you sure? *walking closer*

You- mmhm. *walking away*


Roc- (unlocks the door)

You- (gets in) Thanks

Roc- no problem. I see that nigga begging you to say yes to ride with him. (Starts the motor)

You- I didn't want to. That's why I texted you.

:: Roc ::

I was done being curious bout what happened to YN after prom. I wanted her to just tell me. She shouldn't even hide stuff like that from me.

Roc- YN what happened on prom night? (Making a turn)

You- (sighs)

Roc- I'm serious YN.

You- We got a hotel together. It wasn't even suppose be a sexual thing.

Roc- (gripping the steering wheel)

You- he got drunk and...

Damn. my phone went off. I answered it and it was Day Day.

"Nigga where you at? You know we got some business to take care of."

"I know Day. I'm kinda busy right now. I'll get it done just do you."

I hung up and apologized to YN. She really didn't have to say nothing else I'm not retarded I can figure it out. I just need to pick up Ray.

"Thanks for the ride." YN said smiling and opening the car door.

"No problem. I'll always be a holla away" I flashed my signature smile.


I picked up Ray and told him everything YN told me. We was rolling up on this fool.

we got to his neighborhood and there were niggas outside. he lived in MsftsRep territory but IDGAF.

Ray handed me a mask. I reached in my glove box and pulled out my gun. Lance was talking to some nigga. we waited till he turned around, walking away.

We hopped out the car and caught up to him. I called his name and he turned around scared out of his mind. Nobody was around but us now.

Lance- look man I don't want no trouble.

Roc- Nah. (Pulls out his gun) Lets talk bout what happened the other night.

Lance- (backing up into Ray)

Ray- (grabs him)

Roc- So you putting hands on females.

Lance- Man what the fuck you talking bout.

Ray- (hits him in the head with his gun)

Roc- Oh you don't remember. (Pulls his gun out and shoots him in the leg)

Lance- OH! FUCK,

Roc- You Touched YN huh?

Lance- Man nah.

Roc- (shoots him again)

Lance- (yells)

Roc- You Fucked her huh? Put your hands on her?

Lance- I don't remember. I don't r-remember. (Panting)

Roc- How the Fuck you don't remember getting pussy!? (Puts the gun to his forehead)

Lance- man please. Don't kill me man (crying)

Ray- (hits him again) TF you crying for?!

Roc- You lucky as hell right now.

I gave Ray the signal and he put a black bag over his head. We put his ass in my trunk. I started the motor and started driving.

I decided I was gonna drop his punk ass to the hospital. I got out and and popped the trunk open. He was gasping for air. With my mask still on I took the bag off his head and threw his ass on the concrete.


I didn't even know how the hell I got in this hospital bed. All I remember is being thrown on the concrete by some nigga.

My thoughts were interrupted when the room door opened. I looked at this girl with caramel skin and her hair down pass her shoulders. She was sexy too in her scrubs.

"Oh you finally woke up." She said smiling filling my chart out. "Let me sit you up"

"Mhmm. What's your name ma." I said biting my lip.

"Nurse Lovett." She moved the hair out her face.

"First name too babe."

"You don't need to know all that"

+Doctor Comes in+

"Hello Mr. Brown, I see your finally up"

Nurse Lovett handed him my chart and they started discussing things. I just wanna know who them niggas were who shot me.

"Well your a lucky boy Lance. If Amber wasn't on break and didn't bring you into the emergency room, you could've died"

I looked at her. She saved me. I kinda remember being held up and taken into the emergency room. I owe her one.

The doctor told me that I had a bullet in my right leg and another on the left side of my rib. Turns out I was in the hospital for about 3 days and I'm just waking up.


Lance- So Amber (smiles)

Amber- (laughs) So Lance.

Lance- Thanks for helping me. basically saving my life.

Amber- it's my job (opens his medicine) here take this. (holds a spoon to his mouth)

Lance- (takes it)


Cameron- You heard what happened to Lance?

You- No. (drinks your Gatorade)

Cameron- He's in the hospital.

You- (chocking)

Kali- (patting your back) Damn, you ight.

You- (shakes your head) How?

Cameron- Somebody shot him. (eating salad)

You- (looking over at Roc's table)

Roc- (looks at you)

You- (gets up and walks out)

Roc- I'll be back. (gets up and follows you) YN. YN!

You- (sitting on a bench)

Roc- What is it? (Sits next to you)

You- (sits up) Why shoot him?

Roc- What you talking bout?

You- Don't play stupid Chresanto.

Roc- You sticking up for that nigga when he fucking raped you! And I'm the stupid one.

You- He was drunk ok. It was my fault I shouldn't of-(cries)

Roc- (grabs you and kisses you) Shutup. Don't blame yourself for shit Like that. It's handled.

Hope y'all had a good Holiday and ate looks ☺
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©BeMyPrince_xx 2013

Good kid, M.a.a.d city : Mindless Behavior StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora