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I was sitting on the couch watching Ciara and Prehia play Just Dance 4. I really wasn't in the mood for anything. After I saw Deandra and Chres together last night, my whole mood changed. 

Ciara- Y/n you don't wanna play? (dancing along with the game)

Y/n- Naw, I'm ok. 

I felt my phone vibrate, I pulled it out my back pocket and read the text from Chres. 

<MySpiffyNigga🙈💙 > Is your name in his phone

ThatSpiffyNigga😎👌: Aye, tell my sista I'm on my way 😉

MySpiffyNigga🙈💙 : k 😕

ThatSpiffyNigga😎👌: wats wrong wit u? 😐

MySpiffyNigga🙈💙: nothing...😇

ThatSpiffyNigga😎👌: ummmmm 😑 

*           *            *            *        *           *

Y/n- Prehia your brother's coming. (get's up)

Prehia- ok. Bitch (trys to do the special move at the end)

Ciara- muhahaha, I won. (dances around) Y/n going to get ready for your brother. 

Y/n- girl please. I'm going to get my charger. (going upstairs)

I was already dressed, me and my bestfriends Kali and Carmen were planning to go to the movies tonight. I went into my room and grabbed my charger off the dresser, I plugged it up and looked in the mirror fixing my hair. I looked closer seeing mama staring at me. 

Y/n- (turns around) Yes Mom?

Your Mom- Nothing, just seeing how much you've grown. (sits on your bed and grabs your stuffed bear) You still have this?

Y/n- Yes, Daddy gave it to me befor- 

YM- Yea, I know. 

Y/n- (sits down next to her) Why?

YM- Why what?

Y/n- Why'd he leave us like that?

YM- Baby, we grew apart. Just know that I love you and CiCi, were gonna be alright. (hugs you) 

I was 10 when Mama and Daddy broke up. They would argue alot, I used to blame myself for him leaving us. When they split up the three of us moved to this neighborhood in Compton. 

Y/n- (laughs) yea mama. 

YM- what?

Y/n- nothing. (takes the bear) What you doing today?

YM- I don't know yet Why?

Y/n- No reason, But me, Kali and Carmen going to the movies tonight.  

YM- so you telling me or asking me? and if your asking me, you need money?

Y/n- I'm asking you, and yes.

YM- you can go. But you know your curfew? (get up and leaves)

Y/n- yes ma'. 

*          *       *         *           *

Doorbell Rings

Ciara- (opens the door) Hey Chres. (letting him inside)

Chresanto- Hey. Where's Prehia?

Ciara- She's upstairs in my room, come on. 


When me and Ciara made it upstairs. I spoke to my sister and started helping her put her things in Mama's van. 

Chresanto- You was only gone for a day you had to take all this shit. (throws her bags)

Prehia- aye nigga, watch how you throwing my shit. (goes back in the house)

I walked back into their house. I wonder what Y/n doing. I asked Ciara where her room was. She had her room door cracked so I slid in. She was laying on her bed playing Candy Crush Saga. I grinned to myself. She froze and glanced at me and continued playing her game. I walked to her bed sitting on the end.

Chresanto- What's up with you?

Y/n- Nothing. 

Chresanto- Y/n, I know you. ( Lifts up your chin)

Y/n- Don't you have your sister waiting. 

Chresanto- She'll be alright. Talk to me.

Y/n- (blows off) Think about the last thing you said to me last night. 

Chresanto- uhhh.

I thought about it real hard. I really can't remember. We danced to Ready, I guess we were about to kiss. Then Deandra came an tapped me, I just got caught up in the moment and went looking for her not remembering I told Y/n I would be right back.

Chresanto- I'm sorry, I said I would be right back.

Y/n- ....I gotta tell you something about Dea-

Chresanto- (his phone rings) Sorry. (answers) Hello. 

Ray- Aye Chres, where you at?

Chresanto- I'm at Y/n's place.

Ray- oh I see you, but uh we need you to me us at the Park.

Chresanto- alright, I'm bout to leave here, drop my sister off, and I'll be on my way.

Ray- Ight, peace.

Chresanto- (hangs up) Y/n I gotta go, I'll catch up with you later. 

Y/n- ok. 

Y/n walked me outside. Prehia and Ciara were already outside, but the hell they was talking to some niggas. I yelled both their names as they turned around pissed. I looked at Y/n and she had a "oh Fvck no" look on her face. When Prehia got in the car I let her have it. 

Chresanto- What the fvck was that Prehia?!

Prehia- I was just talking!

Chresanto- What you talking to niggas for? (starts the car)

Prehia- ugh,can you just take me home? (crossing her arms)

Chresanto- Yea, that's what I'm doing. (drives off) Just understand I'm your brother...

Once we made it home. I wanted to at least let mama know I'm taking her ride. Prehia got out and slammed the door. I took the key out and got out after her going in the house. Dad wasn't home, so I yelled for mama.

Chresanto's Mom- Yes!? (upstairs)

Chresanto- I'm taking your car I'll be back in 15 minutes!

CM- you ain't gonna be having my car all day I got things I wanna do for myself.

Chresanto- 15 minutes ma'! (leaves)


Sorry I took so long to update. 

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Good kid, M.a.a.d city : Mindless Behavior StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum