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You- Yea, and I was like excuse me bitch? (closes the door)

Kali- (laughs) wow. You'll get a date trust me, I know this.

You- I'm not even worried bout that right now. I'm just trying to graduate.

Kali- true, but I'ma talk to you later.

You- ok. (hangs up)


???- aye man you got what I need? (Daps him)

Roc- yea man. (Takes the money)

???- Ight. Thanks bruh (walks away)

Me and Ray were on our block doing our thang. We've been out here ever since we got out of school.
I was humming Kendrick Lamar checking the time on my phone. I looked around and walked to the nearest phone booth, waiting for my signal, putting the bottles in my jacket pocket and walked my way back to my spot. Ray was yelling at some nigga ready to pull out his piece.

"Nah Nigga this our block! So you best be needing to step!"

I ran over and broke both of them apart. He went by Ace from what I heard he's part of Msfts Rep.

"Ray better watch yo fucking back (points)"

I tried holding Ray back but he don't let nobody disrespect him. I grabbed the gun out his pocket so he wouldn't try nothing stupid. He pushed Ace down in the middle of the road and started throwing hands. I ain't try to stop him either I just watched Ray get up. he kick his sides and spit on him before walking back over to me. I was shocked at him because of his size compared to Ace. We walked away without looking back at that nigga in the middle of the road. Ray and I just talked like nothing even happened.
When we got to the trap we went downstairs to split the money and put the bottles up.

When I got to Jaden's place they all were down in the basement like usual. I eased my way through the doorway and carefully leaned on the wall.

Jawan- TF happened to you?

Ace- That nigga Ray and that new nigga they got.

Jawan- Them niggas did this oh hell no! (Picks up a gun)

Jaden- (grabs his arm) Nah we gonna handle them, just not now. That's why we got Dee. She got this.


Roc- (knocks on your door)

You- (open the door) Hey.

Roc- Sup. um, sorry bout the whole Deandra thing today. I got you these (pulls out roses and candy)

You- you think that makes everything better? (Takes them)

Roc- I was hoping. I brought a Bear too (pokes out lips)

You- aww it's so cute. (Takes it) You know there's other ways to make money Santo.

Roc- Yea I've learned that (laughs)

You- I'm talking bout the positive ways.

Roc- look, this not gonna be my career ....it's just temporary.

You- whatever. (Gives the stuff back)

Roc- quit being difficult YN. I spent my money on you.

You- I don't want it. You can't bribe me with stuff. (Trys closing the door)

Roc- (hold it) Just take YN...please.

You- (takes it back and blows off) Thanks

Roc- Don't gotta thank me. (walks off your porch)

☎Roc's House☎

Roc- Ma! (walks in the house)

Roc's Mom- Yea Chres.

Roc- I went shopping. Got you this Necklace (holds it up)

RM- aww it's so beautiful. (Takes it) how'd you get it?

Roc- I Saved mama. Wanted to make you feel good. And these roses.

RM- These too. (smiles) I hope you got something for Prehia.

Roc- No, she don't need nothing.

RM- (laughs)

Roc- Im so serious she been fast. Where she at anyway?

RM- she just left said she was going to Ciara's house.

Roc- I just left from over there. YN would of let me know if she was there.

RM- Go out there and see if you see her.

I shook my head, took my mom's keys and started looking for her. I don't know what's been up with her all of a sudden. I decided to go by YN's place just incase she is over there.

I parked on the side of YN's Driveway once I got out I saw Prehia fast ass with those same niggas from when I picked her up last time. They look old as hell too, if only dad knew. They always on my case though. When I got close enough I saw her making out with this brown~skinned nigga with braids similar to Ray's.

Roc- (pulls her away) Girl WTF you doing?!

Prehia- (wipes her mouth) Chres what you doing here? (stops)

Roc- came to get you since you told mama you were gonna be at Ciara's. (continues to walk)

???- Maybe she don't wanna go. (Hands in pocket)

Roc- and you are?

???- Jakori

Roc- well Ion care she going. You look too old for her anyway.

Both of them must be out they mind. I was arguing with her the whole ride back home. Mama better handle it. She ain't even in highschool yet.

RM- Who the hell you think you are Prehia?!

Prehia- (folds arms)

RM- you ain't grown and I ain't shaking no babies. Now gimmie that phone (takes it)and don't ask for it back.

Prehia- (mumbling) 😒

RM- keep talking I'ma get ya daddy .


You were at school another Monday. your sleepy and really not in the mood for anything. It's two weeks till the prom and no one asked you yet. It's obvious that Roc wasn't gonna ask you cause he's to busy with Deandra. The last time y'all spoke to each other was when he was at your house with gifts.

After 3rd block I was making my way down to my locker. I only had one more class after lunch too. I felt someone tap my shoulder as I struggled to put my combination in.

???- Let me help you with those books YN.

You- thanks...(turns around) Omg Lance!

Lance- (holds your books) Yea it's been a while YN. (smiles)

You- (opens your locker) Yes it has. You can put all of those in here.

Lance- ok.

You- (closes your locker) Now I can give you a hug. (Hugs him)

Lance- (laughs) I was just bout to go get something to eat wanna come? (Holds his hand out)

You- sure. (walks with him)

My goodness Lance was cute. When we walked outside to the Parking lot Roc and them were out there hanging out. They saw me holding on to Lance's arm as we walked to his car. There too damn noisy.


Lance- So no one ask you to Prom yet?

You- nope. (eating your egg-roll) You?

Lance- Yea but I just haven't gave anybody a answer yet.

You- oh ok.

Lance- excuse I have to go to the restroom.


I didn't actually need to go to the bathroom. You see I knew the owners to this Chinese place so I went to the back. They had a fortune cookie machine so I asked if they could make one to say "Prom?"I been wanting to take YN to prom and I'ma make sure that'll happen.

Lance- (comes back)

You- I think I'm finished.

Lance- wait you didn't get a fortune cookie yet. I'll get you one. (Gets up)

You- thanks Lance. You go first.

Lance- ok. (Opens it) "When all else seems to fail, smile for today and just love someone."

You- that's a good one (smiles) lets see what mind says. (Opens yours) "Prom?"

Awe that was soo sweet. Of course I said yes. I couldn't stop smiling. I ran my mouth the whole ride back to school. That really made day.

Good kid, M.a.a.d city : Mindless Behavior StoryWhere stories live. Discover now