Chapter 5: Opposite Attraction 2

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, you've known me since I was a baby right?"

"Yes sir."

"Well, how did Ino became my fiancée?" Sasuke asked, sitting up now. Even he couldn't remember how he managed to get a fiancée. For all his life, the only thing that got engraved in his head was that he has one and her name was Yamanaka Ino. No one ever told him the 'how'.

"Well, it happened before when you were born." Jin recalled. "You're parents were on the verge of losing all their property and they did the only thing they could do. They sought out the Yamanaka family who happened to be the richest family at the time. They helped your parents gain back their riches because they saw potential in them. At the time, Madam was pregnant with you and by coincidence; Mrs. Yamanaka was also pregnant, but with a baby girl. Then the Yamanaka family had this idea of arranging a marriage between you two. Of course, Master and Madam couldn't say no since they helped them regain their wealth. So in the end, they signed a pact and announced that you two were to marry."

"Is their any way to break the marriage?" Sasuke asked with little hope.

"Hmmm... I'm not sure but you'll figure it out somehow Young Master." Jin bowed and started for the door. "Oh and excuse my rudeness, but I'm looking forward to meeting this young lady of yours."

Sasuke slightly parted his mouth as his butler went out the door. Was it that obvious that he was interested in someone else? But then again, Jin had known him for years. Damn...

He collapsed on his bed again and continued to glare at the ceiling. I seriously need to break my marriage with Ino...asap.




"Ungh..." Sakura groaned as she got up groggily and stumbled over some boxes. Since she and her family had just moved to Tokyo the house was still a mess. Getting ready as fast as she could, she managed to arrive to school 15 minutes earlier then the usual time and saw that Sasuke had already arrived before her.

"Good morning, Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei" She greeted, trying to sound as uninterested as possible.

"Morning." Sasuke muttered, looking at Kakashi who greeted back cheerfully and started to go over to a pile of heavy looking textbooks. The teacher than gave each person 10 books to carry and told them to put it in the janitor's closet downstairs.

The two walked down the hall in silence and since they arrived early, there weren't a lot of students bustling about yet. As they reached the closet, they found that it was small and jam packed with stuff. There were hardly any rooms left for the textbooks at all. What was Kakashi thinking?

Sasuke, ignoring the stuffiness of the closet decided to go in first and opened the dim lights before placing the books on one of the racks. The closet can barely even fit one person. Ignoring this fact too, Sakura just stepped half-way in and was about put her bundle next to Sasuke's when suddenly the door closed.

Damn the wind... They both thought in their minds and looked at each other warily.

Since it was summer, the school's windows were always open so that any possible breeze might wisp through. Sakura, deciding not to make a big deal out of it turned around quietly and tried to open the door. Ooo and guess what? It was locked. By this time, Sakura was trying her hardest not to panic. She would rather die than let Sasuke see her lose her cool. Heck, they were still in a fight!

"Well?" Sasuke asked impatiently, deciding to break the silence. Sakura was taking way too much time to open a stupid door.

"It's locked." Sakura informed simply and attempted to step aside as Sasuke squeezed past to open the door himself. Sure enough it was locked.

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