Destiel - Fanboy Fantasy

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"Hey Novak, get off your phone and come help move these lights!"

The young man, sat on one of the large storage boxes, flashes his big blue eyes at his grotesque supervisor. Standing up he slides his phone into the back pocket of his black ripped skinny jeans. As the so promptly named Novak approaches his supervisor he hears him talking to another member of the crew.

"Jimmy this is the intern I was telling you about, Carl Novak" the supervisor announces.

"Actually it's Cas" the young man points out.

"Who are these guys anyway?" Jimmy asks, just ignoring Cas completely.

"Holy Water" Cas blurts out before his brain has a chance to stop him.

"So you're a fan huh?" The supervisor questions sharing an amused glance with Jimmy.

"Yeah kind of, I guess, their music's really good" Cas tells them as he hands his supervisor a long coiled up black cable.

"I saw one of their posters stuck on the wall before. Two girls and two guys I think. The chicks look hot, the guy on drums needs a hair cut and the guy at the front looks like a bit of a poser if you ask me" Jimmy adds as he finishes up with the lights.

"Dean Winchester" Castiel mumbles.

"Would you look at that! Novak's a fan. Come on impress us with your knowledge on them" the supervisor points out as a joke.

"Well there's Charlie on bass, Jo on guitar, Sam on the drums and Dean's the lead singer also on guitar. Dean and Sam are brothers and Charlie and Jo are their half sisters I guess you could say. Jo's mom, Ellen, was a foster parent for the brothers and Charlie" the fanboy tells the two men who look at him in disbelief.

"That's really sad, how you know all that, Novak you need to get a life!" the supervisor sniggers before walking away.

Cas sighs as he makes his way back over to the storage boxes. Out of the corner of his eye he spots a very distressed looking Anna. She's basically the person who makes everything run smoothly; it's a pretty big job!

"Hey Anna is everything alright?" Cas questions. Anna jumps slightly at the unexpected mention of her name.

"Oh hey Castiel. Sorry I was lost in my own little world" Anna informs him with a small exhausted smile.

"Yeah I can tell. You look stressed. Anything I can do to help?" Castiel offers with a bright smile.

"Actually yes there is. I had a few guys cancel on me tonight. Something about a bug going round... Anyway I have nobody to sort out the band and you'd be perfect for the job. All you have to do is make sure the band have everything they need. You know fetch them some water and stuff like that. Simple stuff" Anna explains, but it looks like she's already given Castiel the job as she drag him down the hall. For a fanboy like Cas this should be the best day of his life, getting to meet his idols, however he's completely terrified. Quickly he tries to mentally prepare himself as Anna pulls him by the arm.

"No, Anna, wait!" Cas tries to argue just as they reach what appears to be the stars dressing room.

Anna pulls Castiel inside. His breathing becomes hitched as he sees the band he adores right in front of him. Sam is sprawled out on the leather couch with a book in his hands. Charlie is on her phone and sat next to her is Jo who is busy brushing her hair and then there's... Dean. The room starts to spin as Castiel's eyes land on the lead singer. He's perched on the edge of the couch near his brother. In his hand he holds his famous jet black guitar. The man literally never goes anywhere without it and everybody knows you DO NOT touch Dean Winchester's guitar. The last guy who did walked away with a black eye and wounded pride. Castiel's eyes roam every inch of his idols body. Dean's wearing dark jeans and a plain black t-shirt which clings to his arms; accentuating his toned muscles.

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