Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

Emma didn't mind handing out food to each of the pirates as they walked in front of her. It even surprised her that they were polite and none of them said anything when it took her a few minutes to properly get the veggies out, Edward was on her side helping get out the meat.

The two were a pretty good team and she was glad that she had made what she considered to be a friend, especially for when she decided to tell Donovan who she was, it would give her someone to talk to.

The last person to go through was the captain and she noticed out of the corner of her eyes how Edward didn't look up to him, maybe he felt guilty about telling her?

She wouldn't allow herself to think too much on it, if she did she knew she wouldn't be able to mask it and up until she did, she wanted to have fun, and experience the love that she felt.

Oh, god. She loved him.

The realization hit her with such impact that she lost her breath and she couldn't believe herself. She just knew it was her karma for leaving her father behind, for hating him. She almost wanted to not tell him who she was, but she knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she didn't.

Pushing that away too, she filled her own plate and started to follow her captain, but when she realized he meant to take them to his quarters to eat she put her arm out slowly and tugged on his shirt right above his elbow. He turned to face her, a little bit of confusion marring his handsome face.

"Can we eat out here? With everyone else?" She asked it timidly, afraid that he would say no, but when he told her that they could she giggled a little with excitement and grabbed his free hand, pulling him to sit on the steps that lead up to the wheel.

She didn't really say much while they were eating and the meal was so good that even she should have been proud of herself, but it resembled mush to her in her mouth, at one point she almost gagged on it. She wondered what Donovan thought of the food, but when she turned her head to look at his plate and there was nothing left on it she got her answer.

Her eyes travelled up to his face and when she found him looking at her she blushed, this time for a different reason than usual. She wanted him for the rest of her life and it sucked that she was just now coming to that realization.

She didn't know if she had it in her heart to break his, because she knew that he had some kind of feelings for her from the way he acted around her and the way he looked at her, they told her that, even if he hadn't out loud yet.

She knew that none of the crew were paying any attention to them, she could hear them going back for second plates and laughing with each other, but that didn't help her blush as it spread and the moment grew more intimate from only stares.

His eyes had changed so much from when she had first met him a week ago, they used to be so hard and unforgiving, but now when they looked at her they were filled with hope and lust just for her. It made her feel special that he had let her in and she didn't know if she could tell him the truth, it would break him and she wasn't ready for that.

Also, since no one else was paying attention to them she knew it wouldn't be noticed if she was selfish for a moment and took something that she wanted for herself.

She gripped the top of his shirt and pulled him closer to her, their lips meeting. At first it was soft and gentle, just testing to see how far he would let her kiss go while they sat with everyone. His lips opened underneath hers and when her tongue glided along his a small sound came from him and he kissed her back with as much intensity.

Donovan was surprised that Emma was kissing him the way that she was, it felt primal, like the kind of kisses he liked to give, but it was one that he was gladly going to accept. He moved his hands to grab her waist, to keep her close to him, to make her feel small and as beautiful as he thought she was.

Her lips were so soft, he hadn't touched them since that morning and after talking about pirating all day with Cristoff they were a very nice escape, and he took pleasure in knowing that it was an escape that would always willingly be there for him.

Emma pulled back only because she couldn't breathe anymore, the effect that he had on her wasn't something that would ever leave and it tugged on her heart, pulled her closer to him as if something was tying them together and she didn't want to do anything to stop it.

Now she felt like every moment was precious with him and she would live every one of them to the fullest, but that still didn't mean that she could do anymore loving on him with the entire crew just feet from them.

Trying to take her mind off of the most pressing matter she turned her head and looked at the sky, at the looming clouds that no one else seemed to be paying attention to. Maybe it was different for pirates, but if she had seen that, just on a normal day it would have scared her, let alone seeing it when you're out in the middle of the ocean with only the ship to keep you alive, a ship that could sink if things got bad enough and that made it even scarier.

Donovan must have seen her staring.

"Don't worry my sweet little lass, there are plans in place to take us away from it." He told her, low and in her ear and it made her shiver as she turned to face him, once again admiring his handsome face as the low moonlight hit it.

She had never seen so many things that made her life actually feel like it belonged to her, from him, to the ocean, and even the ship.

She laid back against the stairs she was sitting on and just for a moment looked up at the stars, admiring how many they were and how they all seemed to twinkle in a pattern. Her eyes slipped shut and she started to breathe in deeply, her body finally starting to relax after the day of hard work.

Donovan watched Emma as her body relaxed and he knew she was beyond ready to go to bed, to go to sleep and he knew he wouldn't be able to stay on the deck and wait for her to get up herself and go to his quarters, so he would do it for her.

He stood up and leaned down to pick her up and she only moved once to lay her head on his chest, and the trust he felt come from her made the crew staring at him worth it all.

He kind of liked that they knew he had only one soft spot, only for her.

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