Chapter 17

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*Mature content in this chapter.* Follow me, I always follow back! Vote and comment, each and every one means so much to me!

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Chapter 17:

Why did he have to ask for the one thing that she had been dreading this entire time? She didn't want to tell him where she was actually from, but she also knew that he wouldn't take no for an answer, plus that would look really, really bad on her part.

A part of her even hoped that he would just let it go if she maybe didn't respond to him? No such luck though as he said her name, the command easily detectable no matter how light it was.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you." She told him and she felt bad about lying, but hopefully he wouldn't notice since her voice came out steady.

"I said tell me about you, where you grew up and what your family and home were like." He told her once again and she knew she would have to come up with something and quick.

The only option that she saw would have to tell him parts of the truth without exposing herself, so Emma started.

"Well, when I was growing up I didn't really have any friends and I was mostly alone at home, my father was very strict and I could easily say that I hate him. He didn't really pay much attention to me either and when he did it was to bark at me over something that I did or didn't do when I was supposed to. My mother didn't like me much either though I suppose. I was the only child and she always tried to have other children because she really wanted a son, but I was all she got and she didn't like that."

She felt proud of herself, she had told him quite a bit about herself and she did it without sharing any important details for him to pick up that she was royalty and technically, the heir to England.

Donovan listened to her words and it saddened him that her home and family had been so awful, but it resonated within him and it made him want to draw her closer in, show her that now she wasn't alone.

His arm was still wrapped around her and for a moment all he did was lie there and take in how small she was and how small her frame was, but yet how her body was so perfect and how it seemed to easily fit into his.

His eyes were curious and looked down at her, relishing in the fact that all she had on was his shirt. He didn't know how comfortable she was with him, but he didn't pick up on any distress coming from her over how close they were.

He did notice however that the shirt was starting to ride up, showing off even more of her thigh and he knew that she wasn't aware of it or she would pull it down as far as it would go and blush crimson. He was amused when he thought that he might tell her anyway, just to see that reaction.

"Now that I've told you about me, tell me about you." She told him gently, almost like she was afraid that he wouldn't tell her anything.

He looked down at her, his green eyes meeting her blue ones. They were so curious and he loved that they only wanted to stare at him, loved it even more that she wanted to know things about him and that the conversation wouldn't be one sided.

Donovan almost didn't to tell her anything though, he didn't really open up to anyone, but he figured that since she had told him something he would do the same for her, just not everything.

"My dad died when I was around ten and it was only me and my mom, she tried her best to take care of me, but when I hit fourteen she dropped me at a home, so at eighteen I took all my anger, set out while using that as my purpose and became the king of the pirates."

She nodded and started to wonder, he never said anything about nobility. It was notorious that he despised all royalty in almost every country that bordered the sea, but no one knew why. She wanted to ask on the subject, but decided that she probably shouldn't, afraid that it might come off suspicious.

He was starting to wonder why she was being so quiet, so when he turned his head to look at her he found her staring at him, a part of him thought that she never even stopped.

They lay for a while, just staring at each other and while they weren't paying attention to it, their heartbeats had synced with each other's and so had their breathing. They hadn't paid attention to that, but Donovan found himself staring at her mouth rather than just her as a whole.

She was in his bed and that was enough to excite him and he moved in, sealing her lips with his.

It felt so good to kiss her, to feel her respond to him and have her lips part, allowing his tongue to enter. He was slow and deliberate, almost to the point of a tickle.

She could feel his hand tighten around her waist and his other hand was placed gently on her thigh, right on the edge of his shirt. He waited, didn't move except for his small kisses, testing to see if she would make him move. When she didn't, his thumb started moving in small circles and even though it wasn't directly on her skin it didn't stop her from feeling the heat.

The action was small, but to her, it made her feel everything with more sensitivity.

He broke the kiss and moved down just a little until their heads were at the same level and he rested his forehead against hers. He wanted to ravage her, eventually, but for now he needed something and he wanted to make her feel good, to take away every bad memory.

Since they were wearing almost nothing she felt it when he moved and he was so close that she felt her nipples brush against his hard chest, the shirt doing nothing to act as a barrier. She held in a moan, but barely.

He moved his head away from hers to trail kisses down the shoulder where there was no wound and when he heard her intake of breath he knew that she was enjoying what he was doing, it only encouraged him further.

She was already going crazy from the heat of his body against hers and his hand on her thigh, and those little circles were causing something to pool low in her belly. She wasn't sure what it was, but it felt so good and she wanted it to stay.

Their bodies were touching, but when he started to lick and bite lightly on her unwounded shoulder the moan that she had managed to hold earlier, escaped and it made Donovan press harder into her.

He played with her neck until he was certain a hickey would be there when he moved, so that she knew her body could be marked, but in ways that felt wondrous.

She still hadn't pushed him away, so he ventured further, his hand on her thigh now gripping her instead of rubbing the little circles and his kisses trailed lower.

His breath was so hot and his body so hard against hers that when he captured one of her nipples with his mouth through the shirt, her back arched and a louder moan came from her.

The friction of the shirt and the wet, hot of his mouth only made the pool in her stomach grow and grow and her hand came up to fist in his hair, keeping him there.

She wasn't exactly sure of what she was feeling, but something that felt so right could never be wrong.

She was arched against him and she felt herself breathing in short stops and pressing her chest to him and he eagerly nipped and suckled her. She was climbing higher and higher until eventually she felt her body explode, her toes curling, her entire body shaking in waves against him and small moans escaping in short waves.

When her body calmed itself he moved back up the bed several inches until his head was above hers. He looked down at her and while her face was crimson, he knew the rest of her was too. He had a very mischievous smirk.

She couldn't believe that he had just given her the highest peak of pleasure and she didn't know if he wanted anything in return, he simply held her.

"Donovan-" She said and her voice was husky, almost raw.

"Do not worry little lass, just relax and sleep next to me." He turned his head and blew out the candle that was on the bedside table, drenching the room in darkness.

He laid on his back, pulling her to make sure she stayed next to him, and her head on his chest so she could hear his heartbeat. It didn't take long for both of them to fall into a very deep sleep.

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