Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

It had been a long time since he had had anyone take a stand against him and it made Donovan want the woman that was standing in front of him. Perhaps this little spitfire would have some kind of use to him after all.

Emma looked up to him when his head moved towards her and she almost wished that she hadn't smacked him, but the other part of her loved that he looked at her with some kind of surprise. Since he was ruthless she knew that no one ever stood up to him, likely because every time that someone tried they ended up murdered.

He didn't want to make her so afraid of him that she wanted to be out of his presence, more than anything he wanted her to want him, so bad that it was all she could think of, even if all she wanted to do was hate him.

Even saying that though, he had to make sure that he didn't come off as a pushover, had to make sure that she knew he was still captain, of her and the ship.

Her eyes were searching all over his face, his features, trying to figure out what he was going to do. She saw the way his jaw muscle twitched and she knew that there would be some kind of consequence because of what she had done, she just hoped that it wasn't extreme. She also knew that no matter what it was, she would never regret slapping him.

The seconds that ticked by seemed like days, worse than the time that she spent in the box because at least then she was by herself.

She couldn't stand it any longer and she tried to move away from him but he was quicker than she was and he grabbed her by the throat, roughly pushing her back into wall. It wasn't enough to hurt her really, but it was enough to knock her breath away.

Donovan, even though he would kill any man who he deemed fit, would never actually hurt a woman in the same way. He would give punishment where he saw it should be and right now, he saw it.

He looked down at the little doe-eyed defiant in front of him and knew how to give her the smallest punishment that she would see as a big one.

She watched him as his head bent down towards her and she tried to back away even further, but the wall and his hand prevented any movement.

She could feel his breath as he slowly moved her hair with his cheek and it caused little goosebumps to appear that she could feel all the way to her lower back. It was a different feeling, but before she could think on it or even really experience it, he took her ear lobe into his mouth.

Emma didn't want to feel it, but his teeth moving slowly along with the slow swirl of his tongue made her gasp and she instantly hated herself for it when she heard a low chuckle come from him.

His mouth and hand were the only things touching her, and even though they were gentle, she could feel him all over her.

The heat from his bare chest radiated toward her and she felt way too hot, so when he finally released her completely, he looked down at her, that smirk still present.

"Maid, tell me your name and I will leave you to be, for now." He told her in a husky voice and hoped that she would tell him without any trouble. He had done that to her to show her things she didn't understand, but that it felt good anyway. The only thing was that it had backfired slightly and the little gasp she'd made have affected him more than it should have.

Her innocence was something that he wanted because he had never been so attracted to a virgin, but he was to this one.

She looked up to him only slightly as she felt a little embarrassed. She wanted to tell him a fake name but instead "Emma" just rolled out, barely a whisper.

"I'll see you later Emma." Donovan whispered back to her and walked out of his quarters, locking the door behind him.

She let out a scream, frustrated that he had such an effect on her, but at the same time her hand floated up and touched her ear.

Growing up as a princess had never prepared her for anything like this.

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