Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

As she walked up the steps and out onto the deck, Emma found herself smiling, enjoying the way the evening air felt. She could see the allure of being a pirate, never being tied down to anything unless you chose to be, enjoying the ocean air and the way it made everything seem calm.

The way that the water looked as she turned her head made her feel safe, even when she knew it should be doing the opposite. She couldn't see the littlest bit of land and she knew if the ship sunk she didn't know how to swim, but there was a thought that was bigger than the others; she knew her father was still searching within England.

She stared at the door in front of her, knowing that the captain would be inside whenever she chose to walk in. She almost didn't want to, but she wanted to brag about the kind of day she had had, even though she hadn't done any cleaning.

Taking a deep breath and bracing herself, she turned the knob and walked in, surprised when she saw Cristoff standing with Donovan. She quickly used it to her advantage.

"Good evening, Cristoff!" She didn't know if the captain actually wanted her, but she had her suspicions and she was going to flirt with Cristoff, just for a minute, to try and get something else out of him.

"Good evening to you, miss Emma. I hope you had a wonderful day?" Cristoff asked her with a small smile and she walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder and looking up to his face, smiling the same, completely ignoring Donovan.

"It wouldn't have been if you hadn't been there to settle me down after my obnoxious entrance." She told him, the last bit being a deliberate jab at the captain.

When she saw his eyes flash quickly to Donovan's she knew she shouldn't press anymore, clearly Cristoff knew something that she didn't and for now, that was enough for her.

She walked past him, and once more completely ignoring the captain she moved to the small basin, planning to wash herself a little. She had sweated all day and she felt disgusting. Behind her she could hear them having a bit of small talk before the first mate said his good-nights and left the two of them alone.

She didn't want to turn around, to face him, to see if her words had done anything to him, but yet she did, though she kept herself turned around, washing her face and body where she could reach and still be modest.

She put down the cloth and turned around, finding the captain sitting in the chair watching her, only a few feet away. She figured she could still ignore him, just go to bed and wait until the next day so she could get up and start as a maid again.

Looking down though, she saw that the shattered glass bottle from this morning was still there. She knew that he had left it there for her to clean and she would, even if only to keep up her appearance as a maid and to continue on ignoring him.

She got a small brush and a little basket that she guessed was for waste and started brushing all the pieces into it, making sure to get even the little ones so that no one would hurt their feet.

When she got up off the floor, the captain was standing, still looking at her. As she slowly put down the brush and basket he started walking towards her.

"So you think I'm obnoxious, do you?" He asked her, that small smirk making its appearance.

Keeping her chin up, with a straight face, she looked at him. "Of course I do, because you are." She still knew how he acted though when he was mad and in this case she didn't know how mad he was, so she slowly started to back up.

He took bigger strides than she did and eventually he was in front of her, just a couple inches away. Already she felt the effect he always had on her.

His head leaned down to hers, "Do you really think I'm that unpleasant? Emma, who are you lying to, you or me?" He asked her and she opened her mouth to respond, but he was there first, his mouth on hers.

Once again, she didn't know exactly what to do, but this time she wouldn't do nothing, she reacted.

She let herself fall into the kiss, feeling all of the sensations that went along with it. She wasn't going to hide this time.

As his lips moved over hers, waiting for them to part she eliminated the inches between them and pressed her body to his as she opened. He made her feel so good, and it was just a little kiss, it wouldn't do her any harm to take what she wanted from him.

His tongue felt so good when it danced with hers that she knew she would be out of breath, but she didn't care. The way he reacted to her after her talking and touching Cristoff ensured her that he did in fact care about her, even if just a little.

The moment his tongue slipped out of her mouth she saw it as an opportunity and she bit his bottom lip, just enough to leave a mark, but not enough to break the skin. It caused him to lose himself just a little bit more.

He let out a small growl and one hand slipped into her hair, fisting in it, holding it there; the other grabbed her hip and pressed her even harder against him. Her hands were fisted in his shirt, holding on so her knees wouldn't give.

She let herself explore all the small spaces within his mouth, loving that for once, he seemed to be under the same spell she was, instead of just her alone.

He eventually broke away from her, resting his forehead against hers.

"Emma, why must you be the way you are?" His voice was husky and raw, like she had stolen his words.

She opened her eyes and looked at him, a small "I'm sorry" whispering from her lips. Even that though prompted a small growl from him.

What she didn't understand was that it was her innocence that made him want her, and he pushed his hair back as he walked to sit on the bed, slightly frustrated.

"It is now time for bed, I am sleeping in my own bed and so are you. I know your feet hurt and you are slightly sunburned from your day. Will you please just come to bed without an issue?"

His words surprised her, he had never said please to her before and she doubted if he ever said it to anyone.

He was correct though and her body did hurt so she slipped off her shoes and crawled into the bed, feeling so good when she laid down.

She was turned away from him and again on the main edge, but she could hear him blowing out the candles before he eventually joined her in the bed, on his side.

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