Chapter 21

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*A little bit of mature content in this chapter.*

Chapter 21:

Emma watched him leave and as soon as the door shut behind him she instantly wanted him to come back. She knew that they had only known each other for almost a week, but the way her heart was starting to yearn for his astounded her.

For now, she would admit to only herself that she did like him, in ways that her father would definitely disapprove of, but she stopped caring about what he thought the day she got on the ship.

She turned her head to look at the clothing on the bed and she knew she didn't want them to sit there and acquire wrinkles after he went through the trouble of buying everything. She smiled as she sat on the corner and folded everything neatly, glad that she had tidied up his chest when she had the time, now there was a place to put all of her things.

After everything was folded and neatly placed into piles she tucked them into a chest that she had managed to clear out completely and it made her smile, now something on this ship was hers, like a piece of her lived with it.

The only thing that she left out was a set of very, very provocative underclothes, even though they intimidated her a little, and a long flowing silver skirt with a blue top.

She had taken her time while putting up the clothing, it must have taken about half an hour and when she was finished she heard a light knock on the door with Cristoff's voice drifting in from the other side.

"Emma, I have your dinner for you. I will set it down and you can just open the door a little and get it when you want it." With a lighter voice he added at the end: "Moody said it was important for you not to see him right now. I don't want to know what you two are up to."

She heard him walk away and she had snorted a little when he called Donovan moody, although it did describe him.

She waited a few more seconds, since she was still only in his shirt, before walking to the door and slowly opening it, she bent down and quickly slid the plate inside, making sure that none of her body showed as she did it.

With Donovan back on the ship she felt safe and didn't bother with locking the door, she knew that no one would come in since the captain had made it very clear what would happen if a crewman did something he didn't like.

The plate that she held in her hands had the same dried meat, but it held so much fresh fruit that she could wait to eat it. There were apple slices, grapes, and even a few strawberries. She sat the plate down on the table, picking up a piece of the dried meat and her eyes landed on the tub. She was going to relax and eat her fruit in it she decided.

She continued to eat the meat while she walked over to the tub, reaching out for the knob he had told her to use. At first, it didn't budge and she figured it had probably been a while since there was a tub or anything of the sort in here. She kept at it though and eventually it turned, water beginning to pour.

She reached for the lavender scented bath oil and poured a couple of capfuls in before putting it back in a little basket where she had put the rest of her bath items.

As the tub filled she noticed that she couldn't see any towels for her to dry off with when she was done, but she knew that there had to be some in here somewhere since there were little ones for the basin.

When she had been cleaning she didn't know why she hadn't checked the wooden box that sat underneath the basin and when she did she was pleased to find the towels that she needed, withdrawing one and placing it next to the tub.

She waited until the water had filled up halfway before she turned it off, she knew that this was a luxury, especially on a pirate ship and she didn't want to use too much, just in case someone else needed the water.

She grabbed the plate and set it on top of the towel, pulling his shirt off over her head.

She knew that there a privacy screen up, but that still didn't help her flushing body because she started thinking about Donovan's promise once night came. She was a little paranoid that he would come in to see her at the moment, but she knew he wouldn't, right now he had captain responsibilities to attend to.

Looking at the water, she dipped in a foot slowly and when she was pleased to find that it was a little warm she eagerly got in, sighing with happiness at the smell and the feel of a bath once more, she had definitely missed it.

She held the plate with one hand and ate the fruit with the other, so content with how she felt. She ate the apple slices and the grapes fairly quickly, but when she got to the strawberries, she instantly imagined what it would be like if Donovan was the one feeding them to her, licking away any juices that might slip, droplets that would fall to her chest.

One by one she ate them, and with each passing one, her mind raced with thoughts of her captain's tongue and the way her body responded to him, instantly she felt her body tighten.

Trying to put him out of her mind for the time being she moved on to wash her hair, enjoying being able to wash any grime out of it, it had been a while since she felt truly clean. That went quickly and without a problem, but when she started to wash her body with the soap, every sensitive place that she trailed over made the pool in her stomach grow. She couldn't help herself and she rubbed the soap over her nipples a couple times each, remembering what it had felt like when it had been his mouth.

Her nipples hardened and she felt a throb begin between her legs, a place that Donovan hadn't even touched yet, but she hoped that he would, she wanted him to touch her.

She tried to regain control of herself and it took several minutes, but eventually she managed and pulled a small plug out of the corner of the tub, allowing the water to drain through a tube that she hadn't even realized Donovan had connected.

She grabbed the towel and quickly dried herself off, now wanting to put on the clothing he got for her even more. She was sure that they would make her feel beautiful, unlike her soiled maid's uniform, and she wanted him to see her in them.

While she was getting dressed it took her a few tries to hook the bra in place, but even more tries for the bottoms. They looked the same no matter how she turned them and they didn't feel quite right, so she just didn't put any on. No one would know if she didn't want them to, the skirts he had bought were very opaque and thick, not allowing any see through.

She got her own smirk because she knew Donovan wouldn't expect anything like this from her and she couldn't wait to see his reaction.

When she had everything on, she did feel beautiful. The skirt opened when she twirled and it felt cool even though it went to her ankles and the blue shirt she chose had very small sleeves and a few jewels threaded around the neckline. She even took care to try and fix her unruly curls, wrapping each one around her finger so they would dry as little ringlets.

Emma didn't care to stay in the room anymore and she knew she still had an hour or so before dark so she walked to the door and opened it, walking out into the late evening sun without any shoes on.

The first person she saw was Donovan, who was of course standing with Cristoff, next to the wheel.

It was like he could feel her and his head shot up, looking at her and as his eyes flowed over her body, they hardened and his body tensed. She felt her body redden and she turned herself away him, walking to the side of the ship, once again watching the peaceful waves.

Oh how her body was already ready for that night, no matter what he had planned.

*It will be a few days before I am able to put up the next chapter, but I promise I will.*

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