Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

Donovan was very irritated, but he knew that Cristoff had done the right thing by coming and asking him about the island. Normally he wouldn't stop, he didn't like going inland unless they had to, but there were a few things he wanted to get for Emma.

God Emma.

His body tensed and he hardened just thinking about her again. Never had a woman enticed him as much as she did. She was innocent, so innocent, but it seemed that whenever he started to touch her, or even look at her, her innocence was buried.

Last night he was able to bring her such pleasure when she responded to him, gasping, looking at him with those beautiful eyes.

He sighed with annoyance once more and stopped to stretch, trying his best to put her out of his mind, at least for now, focusing on the ship's stop instead. He walked to the front of the ship, standing next to Cristoff and looking out at the water, at the island that they were approaching.

He saw Cristoff look behind him and then turn back to Donovan, teasing, and with a light laugh, he said:

"You almost make me want to find me a nice woman, like Emma."

After finding them in their current situation this morning, he didn't want him, or anyone else, thinking about her.

"Shut up." He told him, not wanting to discuss her any further, both for his own sake as much as Cristoff's.

He didn't let up his teasing though. "Is she as nice in bed as she is in person though?"

Donovan turned and punched Cristoff across his cheek causing him to stagger back and put a hand on the mark, a slow smile started while he looked at his captain.

"I knew it, you care for her more than you want to let on. You tell everyone that she is yours, but you don't want to just care for her as a womanly possession as most pirates do, you want her as a person, your woman, who you will always have."

Cristoff walked back to stand next to Donovan and Donovan knew that what he said was true, the more time that passed with her, the more he wanted her, all of her.


Emma wasn't sure what she was supposed to do exactly, but she knew that it had to be done within the confines of the captain's quarters. First though, she had to let her body calm down. Donovan ignited something within her and she had to wait for several minutes before she felt like she could move and that hers legs wouldn't wobble when she stood.

Slowly she moved to the edge, testing out her own body and then stood up, walking over the cold wood with her bare feet to pick up the key. It was the key to the room, she knew that, and it made her want to believe that Donovan had trusted her to stay in the room while he was gone, not just play with her mind. Only one way to know for sure though.

She moved the few feet towards the door, moving around a table as she went and put her hand on the door handle. When she turned her wrist to the side, it actually moved with her and the door popped open only half an inch.

A little giddy thrill ran through her and she quickly closed the door back, this time locking it with the key he had given her. He actually trusted her and she felt like that was a sign they were growing closer together; that and how intimate they had started to become.

She started to twirl the key around between her fingers, in and out, as her eyes scanned the room, looking for something to do while he was gone. There were various chests and dressers and she thought she could organize them to pass some time, so, she walked over and sat down in front of them.


Donovan liked his sea legs a lot more. The ground beneath his feet felt too different compared to what he was used to and he wanted to go back to the sea, where he belonged and where he ruled.

He was thankful he was only going to be there for an hour, two tops.

He, and about half of his crew, walked through the market streets. They set about getting various meats, maybe they could have a decent meal the next day, not just the regular non-perishables. His only purpose for this trip though was to get things for Emma, some of which he knew would make her blush upon seeing.

In his head he thought about her and knew that there was no way she had ever seen any kind of garment like these, they were only sold by a select few merchants and that was because they were frowned upon. Nothing like that ever mattered for pirates though.

He bought everything that he needed there by himself, putting everything in a couple over-sized satchels, he knew it was a lot, but he also knew that she couldn't go around in his shirt every day, even though he would have really liked it.

There was a couple other things that he wanted to buy and by the time he found them he had to have some of his crew pick them up and carry them back to the ship while he followed suit.

He had left his little lass alone in his quarters and he almost hadn't, not wanting to trust her, but he had, hopefully he wouldn't be let down for it.


Emma had gone through a couple chests and one dresser, folding everything that was in it. Mostly it was just shirts and pants, some under shorts, most of which she really enjoyed because she knew how he looked in them.

When she was done she looked at long cloths that hung on the wall and realized something. She had seen it several times and she thought it was just a blanket with the flag's insignia on it, but she now, being so close to it, found that it looked like curtains.

She walked up to them and pried them open, her mouth widening into a grin when she saw two doors. She tried them and when she found them locked, she tried the key he had given her and it worked.

Excitingly she tugged both doors open and was astonished to find a small balcony, no more than a couple of feet long with banisters and railings. She moved out onto it, not caring that she was still only in his shirt, no one could see her here.

Looking up, she noticed it was right underneath the top part of the ship, it was perfect and tucked away.

She stood there for a long while, just watching the waves and taking in the ocean air. She wondered if the guilty feeling of still not telling Donovan about her being royalty would ever go away. She knew that she had to tell him, she just didn't know when.

She stood there for a while, but when she heard a knock and Donovan's "Make sure you're covered." come through the door she quickly closed the two doors to the balcony and sat on the bed, wrapping herself a sheet.

She heard the door unlock and as it opened she watched as multiple sailors brought in a large wooden tub and once it was sitting in the corner next to the basin, they sat down a folding screen in front of it. Quickly they left and after all the men were out she was left looking at Donovan, who was holding multiple satchels and from what she could see poking out of them, it looked like clothing.

She must've looked really excited, because Donovan smirked and asked: "Did you miss me?"

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