Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

All Emma could think was oh god, oh god, oh god, over and over. She had wanted a reaction and that was why she threw the bottle at him, but she didn't think it would turn out like this. Technically, she was getting her job, but she didn't know what happen between then and now.

She watched with dread as the door quickly got closer to her and he unlocked it. She had to bring up a hand to shield her eyes from the sun, blinking quickly as she tried to her best to adjust.

Each second that went by eventually returned her vision to normal and when it did, she felt her body run cold. Every pirate that was on the top of the ship was staring at her and it made her overly conscious of how she must look.

"Everybody! This here is Emma. She decided that she wanted to stowaway on our ship. Of course, we pirates don't give away anything for free, so to pay for her ride she is going to be our maid." She heard various snickers come from them.

Slowly, she tried to inch closer to the captain but his iron lock on her arm prevented her from moving.

"She will wash anything that needs it and clean up the hammocks. Please do try and be gentleman-like and if you can't control yourself than stay away from her."

He turned from the group and looked down at her, looking into her eyes that were both wide from fear and from amazement; the latter coming from the authority she could see radiate from him over his crew.

"You wanted the job, now you have it. I hope you enjoy it." The words were nearly hissed through his teeth as he let go of her arm and walked back to his quarter's.

Emma took a deep breath in and turned to look at the rest of the men, trying to calm her scared-beating heart. She wasn't exactly sure what to do yet, but she wanted to try and show them that she wasn't as scared as she looked, so she walked over to the side of the ship, making it look like she was completely ignoring them.

She looked out at the water and placed her hands on the rails, admiring the softness of the wood. The way she swayed with the ship made her feel like she belonged on it, like she herself was just an extension.

Trying her best to ignore the laughs and hoots that were going on behind her, she tried to come up with a plan to actually do something as a maid.

First, she would need to explore the ship so she knew where everything was and how to get there. Also, the best place to wash everything in once she got everything set up.

Just as she started to calm down and relax after several minutes of forcing her mind to, someone came up behind her, addressing her with a simple "Hello miss."

It startled her a little and she jumped, turning to the man.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, and I just wanted to introduce myself so that you wouldn't feel all alone when you're out on deck. My name is Cristoff." He looked so nice and he talked to her like he actually cared about her welfare. The accent he had was definitely the Russian one that she had heard when she was in the box yesterday.

She knew that that was recent, but she couldn't believe how long ago it felt.

"Thank you. It's really nice to meet you." She told him, because it was true, now she felt a little more solid.

He opened his mouth to say something else to her, but someone started yelling for his help on the other side of the ship. "I would love to stay and chat, but I must go. One other thing, don't worry too much over Donovan. He has a hot temper, but he has good intentions. I have known him a long time."

As he left her, she had so many questions stirring in her head. Why would he tell her that? Did it mean that the captain was talking about her to just Cristoff? She knew he hadn't told the entire crew or else he wouldn't have introduced her. It made her wonder if he had a fondness for her after all.

Even though it was all she wanted to do, she knew that she couldn't stay and watch the sea all day, too much of it had passed already and she wanted to know everything she could about the ship that was to be her home.

For the most part of the day, she felt very alert, almost afraid, because she didn't know if any of the pirate's would actually listen to the captain about staying away from her, though she didn't want to see him if he ever got to the limit for his anger.

After she felt most of her fear go away she started to talk to a couple of them, just little hellos, getting a feel for the people who were on board with her and she constantly wondering what Donovan had been talking about; none of them seemed to threaten her.

She guessed it was around six in the afternoon when Cristoff found her with some food for dinner, which she politely thanked him for before he quickly had to leave again. She hadn't seen the captain since he'd left her and a part of her loved that he wasn't anywhere around, but another part of her wanted him there with her. She kicked herself mentally for it.

Knowing she couldn't spend any more time staying on the top of the ship, she moved to the hatch and opened it, slowly descending the stairs. At that moment she felt really brave and decided to use it to her advantage as she closed the hatch and looked around in the place she was in.

She noticed the cannons that were lined up on each side and moved to trail her fingers over them, she thought that all of the pirates were up top and it felt nice to seemingly be by herself again.

The gritty texture of the massive weapons felt so good to her and she found that she actually wanted to know more about them.

The other thing that she noticed in the giant space was the hammocks, and how they smelt. It was awful and even though she didn't quite know what she was doing, she couldn't wait to clean them.

She didn't know how long she had spent looking around until she noticed that the sun had started to go down and that soon, the men would all be returning to the place she was in for sleep. Not wanting to be there for when that happened she ascended the steps and started to move back to the captain's quarters for sleep.

The one thing that Emma didn't know was that someone had been in the hold, watching her quietly from the shadows, while she had been moving around, admiring everything while he admired her. He hadn't been anywhere that day and didn't know that the captain had said for them to stay away. He was going to try and take Emma for himself.

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